you, my sunshine

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We had science class together for the last hour of the day. You were always smarter than you gave yourself credit for, so you hardly ever raised your hand. Which was a shame, really. No one in that class had any clue what was going on, but you did.

You always helped me study, and you assisted me in a way that made me feel smart. Which—if you ask me—is pretty damn special. It was something most of my teachers couldn't even do, yet you had perfected it.

One time, we were at your house studying for the upcoming test. It was an exceptionally nice day, so we sat outside on a little blanket under a tree. When you laid out the blanket and sprawled out I swear you were the cutest person I had ever seen in my entire life.

We were studying for awhile and there was this one important question that I just couldn't grasp. After running through the study guide for the umpteenth time, I finally answered that question correctly.

Your eyes lit up, and I'm sure mine did too. Not only did your face fill with excitement, but the sun passed over a cloud. You squinted due to the sudden blinding, but your eyes were a whole new shade of blue and I felt so beautiful when you started to lean in.

But the amount of beauty that was present when our lips first touched was so much greater.

"You're my sunshine," you whispered, and our lips brushed against each other's. I pulled you closer.

Beautiful... so damn beautiful.

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