sunset, stars, sunrise

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I was always more of a night owl... morning people made me sick. Who has that kind of motivation right when they wake up? How is that healthy? I just don't believe morning people could possibly have a grip on reality.

In fact, I didn't ever feel like a person until at least one cup of coffee was consumed. My friends (mainly Tommy and Beca) always teased me saying that coffee stunts my growth and that's why I'm slightly shorter than average. In return, I just insisted that I hadn't had my glow up yet.

So watching sunsets turn into a starry sky was always something I had loved. I admired how the sky could radiate in two completely different ways. Marveled it, even.

One night I watched the transition and it grew really late into the night, so I just decided to stay up until morning. I had done it before to watch movies or during a sleepover, but not to see the sunrise too.

It was humbling to see so much change right before my eyes and it was exhilarating to feel alive in the morning time for once in my life.

All of the marveling, humbling, and exhilaration made me feel beautiful.

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