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My closest friends were in the car with me. Tommy, Beca, and Emilee.

Driving, driving, driving. That was Tommy's job. He had the destination, which comforted me. Beca and Emilee provided comfort by being present and just being there for me.

Tommy had gone through two break ups in his lifetime. One that heavily effected him and one that didn't.

He came out here—to the middle of nowhere country—after the immeasurably heartbreaking one to just be alone. And scream.

He parked the car. I told them to stay. They stayed.

I walked a little ways down the stretching road. There were some nice flowers. Blue flowers.

The same fricking color as his eyes.

I started to yell. Then I started to full on scream.

Tommy was the fasted runner out of the three of them. It made sense since he was on the cross country team.

I was shaking, making the tears dribble in all different directions.

"How could he do this to me?" I managed to do a lot of difficult things in my life, and speaking clearly while crying was one of them. "How could he just leave me after EVERYTHING?!"

"He's an idiot." One of them said it, and I think it was Beca, but I wasn't too sure.

All I could think about was you. It was beautiful and sickening all at once. And all I could think about was how good it felt to yell. Good... beautiful, even.

When I Felt BeautifulWhere stories live. Discover now