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Looking at pictures of you and me was just as painful as you leaving me.

Seeing our smiling faces, reminding me that at one point in time we were together and happy. Reminding me that at one point you truly, deeply loved me. Reminding me that it wasn't the case anymore, and that it was only me who was still truly deeply in love.

Before I met you I wondered how people could possibly love someone who hurt them in a way that wasn't quite fathomable.

It was just as painful looking at the pictures as you leaving me because I was torturing myself when I didn't have to be.

So I looked at pictures of me and my friends instead.

Tommy, Beca, and Emilee never spoke to each other before they started hanging out with me. They made each other laugh the way they could make me laugh and we all became a hodgepodge group of friends.

It occurred to me that you never really fit in with my friends.

It also occurred to me that I managed to bring some really great people together, and that was beautiful.

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