Chapter 3

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The following evening, Jess and Rory head to Mugshots Coffee House for slam poetry open mic. Jess has never been a fan of slam poetry. He always thought it's a lot of screaming. Nothing of significance. But he wants to support Rory.

They choose a table near the stage. Rory looks around. The place is half full. Very eclectic in decor. Quite a different vibe than any coffee house Rory has ever been to.

"Would you like me to order anything?" Jess asks.

"Cappuccino with a blueberry scone, please. And before you ask, I haven't had coffee yet." Rory laughs.

As Jess goes to order, Rory pulls out a notepad and start taking notes. Jess will help with the pictures.

A couple of hours later, Jess and Rory head home. They make it to the car before jess cracks up laughing.

"Wow, that was fun." Jess says sarcastically.

"Sarcasm doesn't do you much good, Mariano." Rory laughs.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, some of the stuff was good. But if they do another slam poetry event, it shouldn't be open mic." Jess laughs as he pulls out of the parking spot.

"I was wondering why this was last choice. I would have jumped in on this story. Now I don't know what to write." Rory ponders.

"Write what happened. Try to be objective. Talk about the atmosphere, the barista, the poets." Jess suggests.

"And the ones that suck?" Rory asks.

"Just subtly suggest next slam event, don't make it open mic." Jess laughs some more.


The following morning, Jess and Rory wake up early. They spent most of the night talking about the slam event. It makes Rory feel good to have a partner who is very supportive of her dreams.

"So, what do you and Richard want for breakfast?" Jess asks.

"Denver omelette sounds good. What time do you have to go to the office?"

"I have to meet up with an author at ten and we have to get ready for a showcase with a local artist. So I'll probably be home late. Why?" Jess asks.

Rory wraps her arms around Jess's waist and whispers seductively, "Well it's only 7 AM. And I am not fully hungry."

Jess smiles at Rory before engaging in a hot, steamy kiss.


After breakfast, Jess heads to the office and Rory starts writing her article. As she's finishing it, her cellphone rings.



"Logan? What have you been doing? Where are you? How come you never called me back?"

"Ace, I'm sorry that I haven't been in contact. I have been busy."

"With what?!? What could be more important than your child?" Rory's fear has been increasing with each day she didn't hear from Logan. When she finally hears from him, she can't suppress the anger anymore.

"Did you forget, Rory, that I'm a newlywed? I have a life here in London. You chose Jess. You're living with him. You can't be mad I didn't call." Logan is also frustrated. As much as he's been trying to be a better man, he's truly hurt that Rory chose Jess, not him.

"Fine. Don't call. Richard and I don't need you. Just come when he's born. No need to worry about me or how I'm doing. I'm just your former mistress." Rory hangs up, tears streaming down her eyes.

Five minutes later, Rory's phone rings again. Caller ID says it's Logan.


"I'm sorry, Ace. I shouldn't have yelled like that. It's just a lot is really going on here. I trusted Jess to take care of everything. I know I should have checked in." Logan says apologetically.

"Logan, you're right. I am with Jess. He has been a great partner with me. But you're the father. I worry when I don't hear from you. If anything, just text to let me know you're ok." Rory says.

"Ok, I will. How's Richard?" Logan asks.

"Kicking up a storm. His favorite target is my bladder." Rory jokes.

"Have you found a new OB in Philadelphia?"

"Yeah I have. Her name is Dr. Harris. She is from University of Pennsylvania hospital. She's worried about high blood pressure. Possibly preeclampsia. She's giving me medicines to lower it and I have to see her once a week."

"That's worrisome. You need to take care of yourself." Logan says.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Rory tries to assure Logan. "I am currently writing my first article for the Philly Mag. I need to call you later. Ok?"

"Ok. Hey, I love you, Ace. Don't forget that."

"I love you, too Logan. Richard and I do." Rory ends the phone call.

After Rory finished her article and emailed it to the editor, she decided to go out and enjoy the beautiful spring day in Philly.

Rory gets into her car and drives to Washington Square. It's not too far from her home. It's a historic park that has a memorial for the Revolutionary War as well as The Unknown Soldier.

Rory has been here before and found this place to be a great spot to write her book. Something about being in this park makes Rory inspired.

The chapter she is working on today is a particularly difficult one. It's one about her mom running away from the Gilmore house with Rory.

As she types the outline, Rory can't help but think of her own pregnancy. She's very lucky to not have to do it alone like her mom. Being pregnant now makes Rory appreciate more the sacrifices her mom had to make.

An hour later, Rory heads back home surprised to see Jess.

"Hey, thought you were going to be at the office late." Rory says.

"We finished setting up for the showcase early. I just came home to wash up and change. Would you like to come see the showcase?"

"Of course. Let me put my laptop away, then I can go change my clothes and we can go." Rory says as she bustles through the house to get ready.

"Did you finish a chapter?" Jess calls up to Rory.

"No, just finishing an outline right now." Rory says as she walks back down the stairs. "I am struggling with this chapter. I just am not sure how much to reveal."

"What will this chapter be concentrated on?" Jess asks.

"My mom and grandma. It will be about the time my mom ran away with me and met Mia. I just feel I will hurt grandma if I write this chapter. But it's an important part of my story." Rory voices her concern.

"Have you talked to Emily? Ask if she's ok with being put in the book?" Jess asks.

"I never thought to ask."

"I think you should. Then maybe you'll feel more at ease with writing the book."

Rory nods her head in agreement.

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