Chapter 14

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"Ok, ok. We have to drive , Jess. Get your keys. Shoes. Purse. Um. Crap. I don't know what is happening. My mind is blank. I haven't done this in over 30 years. I feel like I just got out of the Delorean and traveled back to the past and I have no clue what I'm doing." Lorelai rambles as she tries to help Rory.

"Mom, calm down. Jess, go upstairs and get my go bag. Mom, I need you here to time my contractions. Luke, grab me that notebook in my purse. Also call Logan. Someone call Logan. His baby is coming and he needs to catch the next flight." Rory calmly gives directions as everyone follows them.

"Ok, this is my list of what to do for labor. Jess, grab the chargers for both of our phones. Mmmm. Aaaaahhhh. Oooooohhh." Halfway through giving directions, Rory starts a contraction.

"Ok, that lasted 30 seconds," Lorelai announces.

"Ok, good. It means baby is coming soon. But I'm in early labor. Hold on. I have more to do. I need books. Can you get Anna Karenina, Swann's Way and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn off the bookshelves?"

"Rory, I just got off the phone with Logan. He will catch the first flight over here." Luke interrupts.

"Ok. Good. Jess, call the doctor. Ask when we should start coming in. Mom, I need your help to the bathroom. I want to shower and pee."

"Um, hon. Do you think that's a good idea?" Lorelai asks.

Rory squeezes down, aquints her eyes and tries to breathe through her pain. After another contraction, she tells Lorelai "Look, how long was that and how far in between the contractions?"

"Eighteen  minutes apart."

"Ok, I still have time. I know someone will be taking pictures of me giving birth. I want to at least look and feel like a human. Help me up."

Lorelai helps Rory up the stairs. Rory sits on the toilet to pee, and as she does so, she starts moaning and breathing through another contraction.

"You sure you want to shower?" Lorelai asks worriedly.

"Yup. I'm all good. How long was that?"

"Still 30 seconds. Fifteen minute interval." Lorelai responds.

"Ok we still have time." Rory jumps in the shower with some hot water pouring through her. It feels really good. Lorelai helps by getting Rory's clothes that she will wear to the hospital. A blue summer dress.

"Do you have your pajamas and robe and everything in the bag?" Lorelai asks Rory as she gets out of the shower.

"Yup. I have to-" Rory grabs on to the sink as she breathes through another contraction. Lorelai again times it.

"Ok, that was a little longer. 36 second, 17 minutes apart."

"Ok. We still have time. What was I going to say? Oh yes. Grab the pillow off my bed. I also want a couple of towels from home. I hate the hospital towels. They're itchy."

As Lorelai grabs the stuff, Jess hurries upstairs. "Ok, I'm on the phone with the doctor. She's asking how many contractions you have had and how far apart."

"Here, let me get the phone. You help Rory down the stairs. And put these in the go bag." Lorelai says as she hands all the stuff to Jess and grabs the phone.

"You ok? You're calmer than any of us?" Jess asks.

"This is just early labor. It can last up to 20 hours. Where is Luke?" Rory asks.

"Panicking. He's on the phone with Logan who is having a hard time catching a plane here."

"Jess." Rory is almost at the last step. She has Jess stand in front of her. Her hand on his shoulders as she bends over and tries to breathe through her contractions. Lorelai is near the top of the stairs keeping time.

"Ok, that was 30 seconds, 13 minutes in." Lorelai calls down.

Rory nods. "What did the doctor say?"

"Dr. Harris says we should go in now. Just check in to the Labor and Delivery wing then she will be there." Lorelai answers.

"Ok well then let's go." Rory says as she slips on her slippers. "Wait, Jess get the car seat. I just want to make sure we have something for when we get home."

"Don't worry it's already in there." Jess whispers as they head out the door.

"I'll stay. Try to help Logan with his flight thing." Luke volunteers.

"Thanks, hon. I know you don't like hospitals." Lorelai says as she kisses him on the cheek. "I will call you when we get to the hospital and keep you updated."

"Thanks," Luke says sheepishly. "Go welcome our grandchild, ok? Good luck Rory."

"Thanks," Rory calls back as they head to the car.


The drive to the hospital was quite hilarious. Jess kept zig zagging to try to avoid potholes which made Rory feel sick. The car seat had to be moved to the trunk temporarily so Rory and Lorelai can sit next to each other.

The contractions are getting more painful. Though Rory is not sure if it's because of the driving or the natural progression of labor.

When they pull up to the front of the hospital, Jess gets out to pay the valet while Lorelai goes to get a wheelchair.

"I can walk, mom. I don't need one." Rory complains.

"I am not going to let you walk. You need a chair." Lorelai looks around frantically.

"Ma'am, how can we help you?" One of the valet asks.

"My daughter, she needs a wheelchair. She is in active labor. Oh my gosh. Can't you see this without asking me stupid questions?" Lorelai is almost in tears as she rambles.

"Mom, I'm fine. I hear walking is good for laboring moms. Thank you, sir." Rory addresses the valet.

When Jess returns with the go bag, they walk to the entrance of the hospital. Rory stops and crouches down as she has another contraction. "Breathe, Rory. Just breathe." Jess whispers as he rubs her back through the pain.

"40 seconds. 7 minutes apart." Lorelai calls out.

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