Chapter 16

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Six hours later, Rory has found herself in the whirlpool. She is seven centimeters dilated and the pain is almost unbearable.

Jess is in the tub with her. Helping her through the contractions. For the past six hours, he has helped Rory by walking up and down hallways, coaching her through the pain, and massaging her back.

The contractions are now three minutes apart. Rory is currently on her hands and knees, her head laying on the edge of the whirlpool.

"Jess, remind me again why I want to do this naturally." Rory says between contractions.

"I have no clue," Jess is feeling just as stressed seeing her in pain.

Lorelai is standing to the side watching Rory go through labor in awe. "Honey, do you need anything? Something to drink, pain meds, anything?"

"No mom. We are good. God, when is this baby coming out. I want him out already." Rory screams as she goes through another contraction.

Right at that moment, Lorelai's phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and doesn't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hey Lorelai, it's Logan. I'm calling on the plane phone."

"Oh, hey." Lorelai looks over to Rory and says "it's Logan."

Rory just gives a wordless wave. Trying to concentrate on her contraction.

"How are things going over there?" Logan asks.

"She's in the tub right now. Her and Jess. It's helping to deal with her contractions. Last time the doctor checked, she's at 7 centimeters dilated." Lorelai gives him the rundown.

"Any chance I could speak with her?"

"Let me ask. Hon, Logan wants to talk to you. Is that ok?" Lorelai asks Rory.

Rory reaches out for the phone. "Hey, Logan."

"Hey, Ace. How are you?"

"Well, I'm pushing a baby out of a my vagina. How do you think I'm doing?" Rory breathes and moans through another contraction. "Sorry that sounded mean."

"Hey, it's ok. Take it out on me. Just wanted to say I'm on my way. I will be there soon, ok?"

"Yeah. Just remind me next time if I get pregnant again, to never do this."

"That's a deal. Jess?"

"Yeah," Jess is surprised to hear Logan asking for him.

"Thanks man for being there with her when I can't."

"Yeah." Jess nods.

Lorelai grabs the phone and talks to Logan some more. "We got this. Just want you to not worry. Rory will be fine. Just get here quick. Ok?"

"Yeah. I'll be there soon. Thanks Lorelai."

A few minutes later, Dr. Harris comes in to check on Rory. "Please Dr., tell me I am at 10. I need to be at ten."

"You're at eight, which is good. I know that you aren't happy right now because you want to push but labor is progressing which is good. Ok? Hopefully it goes faster. We are almost at the finish line. I know you're tired. But you're doing good mama. Ok?"

"How much more?" Rory asks.

"We will keep checking. The nurse will start coming sooner ok? Don't worry. You're in good hands."

When Dr. Harris leaves, Rory can't help but start crying. "What's wrong?" Jess asks.

"I can't do this. I'm not strong enough. I am tired. I want him out already."

"Hey, Rory look at me." Lorelai instructs her. "You made it this far. You're almost there. I know you're tired. But you're almost there. Ok?"

"I want to push mom."

"I know you do. But not until you're at ten centimeters ok?"

An hour later, Rory is on her hands and knees. Now she's fully dilated, and the doctor is behind her ready to catch the baby. There's a little blood in the water but that's normal.

"Come on, Rory. You're almost there."

"I can't. I'm tired. Logan should be here. He's the father." Rory cries.

"I know honey." Lorelai says as she wipes the hair off Rory's face. "But you have me and Jess. Ok. We are going to help you through this."

"Rory. I know you're tired. But at the next contraction, I need you to push real hard. Ok? I can see the head. One more, and we can get him out ok?" 

Rory nods. Seconds later she can feel another contraction coming. She starts bearing down and holding on to Lorelai's hand. "Push, Rory. You have this. Just push. Almost there. Ok he is out."

Rory lays her head down on the side of the tub in tears. Lorelai is kissing her forehead. "Honey, he's beautiful."

"How come he's not crying? I need to hear him cry."

Jess walks over to where Dr. Harris is clearing the baby's airway. And a couple of seconds later, the baby's cries can finally be heard.

Rory's tears start streaming down her face.
Jess tries but fails to hold back his tears. He leans over Rory and kisses her on the forehead and she finally gets to see her baby boy.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" Dr. Harris asks.

Jess looks at Rory for an OK. When she nods he proceeds to cut the umbilical cord.

"Richard Logan Gilmore. Welcome to the world. I am your mama." Rory whispers. Then proceeds to kiss him on the forehead.

Richard starts massaging the breast looking for milk. "Is it ok to feed him?"

"Yes it's ok."

When Richard latches on, Rory's joy is immeasurable. "Thank you, Jess."

"For what?"

"Not leaving." Rory says.

"I promised I wouldn't."

Half hour later, the L&D nurse take Richard to the nursery. Jess and Lorelai help Rory out of the tub and onto the bed.

At that moment, Lorelai's cell phone rings. "It's Luke. Logan must have made it. I'll be back ok?"

"Jess, he is so beautiful, no?"

"Yes he is so beautiful. I can't believe he is here." Jess says in wonder.

"I just want to hold him."

"Let the doctors check on him. They will bring him back when they're done and then we can bring him home." Jess kisses Rory.

Just then, the door opens. In comes Logan. "Hey Ace."

He crosses over to the bed and kisses Rory on the cheek. Jess tries to excuse himself. "Please stay." Rory says as she grabs his hand.

"I'll be back. I promise. I just want to give you guys some time alone. And I want to call Luke. Ok?" He bends to kiss her on the forehead.

"Jess," Logan says.


"Thank you for being here." Logan extends his hand out to him. Jess looks at it and shakes his hand. Then he leaves.

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