Chapter 12

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One week later, Lorelai and Rory are sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. Jess and Luke are outside on the grill. Rory's hands are on her belly making patterns on her stomach.

"You know, mom. I have been thinking about grandpa lately." Rory says.

"I'm not really surprised. His little namesake is about to come into this world."

"Do you think he will be proud of me?"

"Oh, Rory. I wouldn't doubt it one minute. He loves you more than anything else in the world." Lorelai reaches for Rory's hand and looks her in the eye.

"It's just, I'm not as accomplished as I'm sure he envisioned for me. And I conceived this baby via an affair."

"True, and knowing my dad, he would have tried to force you and Logan to get married because 'it's the right thing to do.' But I still think he would have been proud of you because you got knocked down but you got right back up. As he would have said, you're a Gilmore through and through." Lorelai reassures her daughter.

"I am sad he won't meet his namesake. I wish he could have met Jess." Rory says with a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I don't think he would have approved." When Lorelai sees the look of hurt on Rory's face, she adds, "It's nothing against Jess. He has proven for the past 8 months he has changed. It's just that in his eyes, no one is good enough for you. Prince Harry could walk through those doors and he would still not be good enough for you."

"Remember when we went golfing?" Rory laughs.

"I remember that Rastafarian hat he gave you."

"I think that was grandma who gave it to me." Rory chuckles. "He was so excited that I wanted to go to Fez. I think he paid for 3 trips to Fez."

"I remember the Friday night dinner when Francine and Straub joined us. Dad almost went to blows with Straub."

"My favorite memory is when grandpa went to Chilton and helped us with those stylish first aid kits. We had so much fun."

"He was always proud of you, Rory. You were his precious jewel." Lorelai wraps her arms around Rory and kisses her on the cheek.

"I just hope my Richard gets grandpa's strength."

"He will be a Gilmore, through and through. I have no doubt about it."

Just then, Rory's cellphone rings. Rory digs it out of her pocket, checks the caller ID to find out it's Logan.

"Hey, Logan."

"Hey Ace. Just checking in. What are you doing?" Logan asks.

"Sitting on the couch, watching the news with my mom." Rory answers.

"Hey Lorelai."

"Mom, Logan says hi." Rory passes on the message. "So what's up with you?"

"Meetings. Dad has got me taking on more work. I don't know if it's because he thinks I can handle more responsibility or because he thinks if he piles on all the work, I'll forget about the baby." Logan says.

"I would like to think it's the first choice. But knowing Mitchum, it just might be the second. Where is Odette?"

"Paris. Dealing with her own family business. It's what I get for being a part of the 'dynastic plan' I guess." Logan jokes. "So how's Richard?"

"We had an appointment yesterday. Looks like he's in position to go head first. Hopefully there will be no complications during birth. I just want him out already. I want to be able to see my feet finally. I swear I have on clown shoes." Rory complains.

"Just think of it as part of the pregnancy process." Logan laughs.

"Hey, have you been hanging out with the LIfe and Death Brigade?"

"Well I still see Colin and Finn. But no bungee jumping or cliff jumping. I have been staying closer to the ground. Figured gravity defying stunts should be put on hold for the baby." Logan jokes.

"Good idea." Just then, Jess and Luke come back in carrying food in. "Hey, Logan. I have to go. Call you later."

"Yup. See you, Ace. Love you."

"Love you too." Then Rory hangs up.

"Love you too?" Lorelai asks. "You're exchanging 'love you' with another man and Jess is ok with that?"

"Yeah. I mean Jess knows Logan is the father and he will always be in my life."

"Yeah but to tell another man you love him. Wow." Lorelai looks at Rory incredulously.

"Mom, Jess knows I love him. I chose him over Logan." 

"Ok. He must have matured more than even I could have imagined." Lorelai helps Rory off the couch so they can eat dinner.


Later that evening Rory and Jess are in their bedroom. Rory is at the dresser just putting moisturizer on her face. Jess always loves to watch her do this.

When she finally climbs into bed with Jess, he says "I think we need a bigger house."

"Why would you say that?" Rory asks.

"Well, with the baby coming. And knowing your mom, her frequent visits, we totally should look for a new house. Three bedrooms and 2 bathroom at least. I have been thinking about it for awhile." Jess confesses.

"I think this house is perfect for now." Rory leans in and kisses Jess. "Hey Jess, I need to ask you something."

"Ask away." He says as Jess wraps his arm around Rory.

"Something my mom said tonight. As I got off the phone with Logan, I said 'I love you too" and my mom was just surprised you're ok with me exchanging 'I love you' with him."

Jess takes a deep breath and exhales really loudly. "Well, I know you love him. He's the father of your baby."

"Ok. But your feelings on hearing 'I love you' directed to him?"

"To be honest, it's not my favorite part of the day. I mean, ideally I would be the only man you love. But like I said, I can't change the fact that he's the father of your child."

"I can stop saying 'I love you' to him." Rory says.

"Whether you say it or not, you still do love him." Jess says. "Look, when we started this thing together, I knew Logan would always be in our lives. I'm ok with that. As long as I'm in your life, he'll be in my life. I can live with it. Ok?"

"Ok." Rory kisses him on the cheek.



"I love you." Rory whispers as she cuddles to her favorite pillow.

Jess just couldn't help but smile as he turns off the lights and cuddles up to Rory.

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