Chapter 17

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"Have you gone to see him yet?" Rory asks.

"No. Not yet. I went straight here." Logan lies in bed next to Rory. "I wish I was here with you."

"It's ok. Mom and Jess were here. With me. I'm so tired." Rory cuddles up to Logan.

"Try and sleep. I'll be here. What does he look like?" Logan asks

"Not sure yet. Mom says he has my dimple chin." Rory laughs. "He is the most beautiful baby in the world. I'm just happy there were no complications. I keep hearing horror stories of how wrong it could go."

"I'm just glad you're ok. I am so sorry I missed it."

"It's ok. I wasn't alone." Rory lifts her chin so she can kiss Logan. "Our baby is here."

Just then there is a knock at the door. A nurse comes in as well as Jess.

"Hi. We are here to transfer you to a postpartum room."

Logan and Jess help transfer Rory to the wheelchair. Jess gathers their things up. Double checks the bathroom, makes sure they have everything and head out.

"Where's mom and Luke?"

"They're in the waiting room. They're waiting for us there. Then they will follow us to your new room. Ok?" Jess says as he grabs her hand.

Rory kisses the back of his hand as Logan walks next to them. "Hey where's Odette?" She asks Logan.

"She's in London. She told me to come here. She chose to stay." Logan answers.

"Are you two ok?"

"We will be. I think she just wanted me to be here for you and Richard." Logan says.

When they walk through the waiting room, Luke and Lorelai are there to greet them. Luke gives Rory a hug and whispers "Congrats, Rory. Your mom showed me pictures."

"Thank you Luke."

When they finally reach the room, Rory is checked over by the nurses. Her blood pressure is normal. Rory asks them if she could shower. They allow her to with help. So Rory takes that opportunity to shower with a little help from the nurse and brush her hair.

"When do I get to see my baby?" Rory asks when she's finally out of the shower with a nightgown on.

"He will be brought in shortly. Ok? Now I suggest resting a little bit. Do you guys need anything?" The nurse asks.

"Water and ice chips please. Thank you."

Finally when the nurse leaves, Rory closes her eyes. "Hon, you want to sleep? Close your eyes." Lorelai asks.

"I want to see my baby first." Rory whispers.

"Rory, we will wake you when he comes. Close your eyes." Jess says. He sits next to her bed holding her hand. Rory finally lets herself sleep.

A short time later, Rory wakes up to Jess's voice. "Rory, wake up. Someone is here to see you."

She wakes to see Logan carrying a small bundle that Rory can only assume to be her son. Logan carries the baby over to Rory. She reaches for her son as Logan gives him to her.

"Jess, Luke and I are heading out to the cafeteria. Want to join us?" Lorelai says, trying and failing to subtly hint for Jess to give Logan and Rory time alone as a family.

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Jess says. He looks at Rory. "I'll be back ok?" He kisses her on the cheek and touches Richard on his head before leaving them alone.

Rory's eyes haven't left Richard's since she woke up. "I wish my grandfather was here. He would have been so happy to meet him. Don't you think?"

"No doubt." Logan says.

"I think someone is hungry." Rory laughs as Richard starts bobbin his head.

"Want me to get you anything?" Logan asks

"Yeah. Can you get me that pillow on the couch?"

When Logan gives her the pillow, Rory starts to breastfeed. "I don't think you have ever looked more beautiful, Ace."

"Thank you. Logan, we have to make it right for him. We have to decide what to do now. With visitation and custody. Everything."

"Ace, I'm not in any rush to talk about that. Neither should you. You're feeding our son." Logan says.

"Our son. It feels good to say doesn't it?" Rory says, tears in her eyes.

Close to an hour later, Richard is done eating. Rory puts him over her shoulder to burp. After that, he puts him in the bassinet.

While Richard sleeps a little, Rory and Logan watch him. "Ace you should sleep while he sleeps. Isn't that what parents are supposed to do?"

"But I want to stay awake and watch him." Rory says.

"Ace, you were in labor for 11 hours. Just go to sleep. I'll watch him for you. We need time alone anyway. Son and daddy time. Bestow some wisdom on him." Logan says.

"Ok, wake me up when he's hungry." Rory goes under the sheets and sleeps.


Later that day, Rory is introduced to a lactation consultant. During the meeting, the consultant helped with the breastfeeding, and showed how a breast pump works. She also made suggestions on how to store the breast milk and how long to feed from each side.

Logan had left to check into the hotel. Since Luke was his ride, he took him. Lorelai joined them, leaving Jess and Rory alone together with Richard.

"Wow, I think this is the first time it has been the three of us in awhile." Rory laughs.

She looks up at Jess and sees something worrisome in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong at all, Rory. It's just wow that was an experience yesterday." Jess says.

"You were such a great partner for me." Rory kisses him.

"I can't believe he's here. I think he looks like you. Has your chin." Jess says as he looks more closely at Richard.

"All babies look the same, Jess. Come sit next to me." Rory says as she pats on the bed next to her. She wraps her arms around him. "I love you, Jess Mariano."

"I love you too, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore." Jess puts his arm around her and kisses her forehead. He looks into the bassinet, not able to remember a happier time.

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