Chapter 11

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Later that evening, after the diner is closed, Rory and Jess are alone in the upstairs apartment.

"How was your day?" Jess asks as he sits on the sofa.

Rory is by the mirror brushing her hair. "I'm just glad I stopped my mom from buying the whole mall."

Jess stands up, walks behind Rory, grabs the brush and helps her with her hair. "I think she's just really excited for the grandson."

As his hand gathers some of her hair, Rory grabs hold of it and kisses his hand. "I love you you know that? I just feel sometimes I don't say it enough."

Jess turns her to look at him. "I never doubted for one second." Then he kisses her.

Rory has been missing this. Between the growing baby belly and her mom living with them for almost a month, they haven't really been able to do this.

Rory grabs Jess's shirt pulls it off of him as he does the same. Rory's thighs hit the edge of the bed as Rory pulls Jess's pants down. Jess turns her around so she can feel his arousal. His kisses traveling down her neck. He takes off her shorts and lays her down carefully.

"You're so beautiful, Rory." he whispers as he lies down next to her, kissing her neck and touching her all over.

"Please, Jess." Rory moans as he caresses her face. His hands roaming down to her breasts and massaging them. Rory grabs his hands, turns her head for him to have easy access to her mouth.

As they kiss, Jess's erection grows. Rory grabs hold of it and starts using her hands to pull at it making Jess groan in pleasure.

"Rory, I need you." He whispers as he takes her hand off of him, curls his body behind her and enters her.

Rory moans loudly as he enters her. Finally. Jess lifts her leg up a little more as he enters her, kissing down her neck and on her shoulders. Each thrust elicits a moan from her lips. The sounds coming from her excites him more.

"Oh, Rory. I have missed this." Jess whispers into her ear. His pace quickening as he tries to give as much pleasure to her.

"Oh, Jess," Rory moans.

They switch positions, Rory on her hands and knees with a pillow under her belly as he enters from behind. Rory leans back a little as Jess proceeds to kiss the back of her neck. He fingers her as she screams in climax bringing Jess with her.

As they both come down from their high, all that can be heard in the apartment are quickened breaths. When Jess and Rory finally lay down, his arms around her, they enjoy this blissful moment.

"I love you Jess. You make me so happy."

"I love you, too."

"You know this will possibly be the last time we do this for a long time," Rory says.

"Why would you think that?" Jess laughs and kisses her on the cheek.

"Well, my mom is staying with us until baby is born."

"We can be very very quiet. Or subtly suggest her stay in a hotel one night." Jess laughs as he sees Rory contemplating this suggestion.

"Then of course at least six weeks after birth, no intercourse at all."

"How are we going to survive?" Jess jokes.

Rory pouts at his response. "Hey, Rory. I'm teasing. I will wait for however long we need to wait. I love you." Jess lowers his voice a little. "And we should start practicing being quieter since your mom is staying until the baby comes. And so we don't wake the baby right?" Jess wags his eyebrows at her in a teasing manner. His erection growing some more.

Rory grabs his face to kiss him and they go for another round.


The following morning, Rory is really craving some coffee and donuts. She gets up, puts on her shorts and a t-shirt.

"Where are you going?" Jess mumbles, barely awake.

"I need coffee. I'll be right back."

"Wait." Jess calls out for her. But too late. Rory is already out of the apartment.

Rory walks down the stairs and is surprised to be greeted by what looked like half the town.

"Turn away everyone! Medusa has finally escaped her dungeon." Lorelai calls out from the counter.

Rory blushes red as she goes and sits next to her mom. "Wild night?"

"Couldn't sleep." Rory whispers.

"Uh huh." Just at that moment, Jess emerges in nothing but his shorts. When he's greeted by all the patrons, he awkwardly waves and backs up slowly to the apartment.

"Now I see what you like in him," Lorelai teases.

"Luke, save me from my mother." Rory calls out to her stepdad.

"Well what can I get for you, Miss Gilmore?"

"Bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. And don't forget my usual cup of coffee please."

"Worked up an appetite already, did you?" Luke jokes as he takes her order.

Jess comes back down the stairs more appropriately dressed. "I guess I forgot how early the diner opens." Jess whispers in Rory's ear as he sits next to her.

Luke comes back to tell Jess "Don't worry about ordering. I just made Rory's order for you since I assume you lost the same amount of calories and need to build them back up."

Jess looks at Rory and smirks before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"When are you guys headed back to Philly?" Lorelai asks.

"Probably after lunch. Aren't you coming with us?" Rory answers.

"We both will." Luke interrupts as he puts down Rory and Jess's plates. "I just have to give Cesar some last minute instructions then we could go down with you."

"Hope you guys were preparing by trying to be quieter." Lorelai quietly teases. Rory blushes red, trying to concentrate on her pancakes.

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