Chapter 13

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The following Saturday, Jess decided to surprise Rory and pack a picnic basket just for the two of them.

These days between work, preparation of the newborn and two new residents taking space in their house Rory and Jess haven't had much alone time. So Jess took Rory out to Fairmont Park for a picnic date.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Rory asks.


"Oh, a little thing called 'bid-a-basket'."

Jess laughs. "Well this time I didn't have to bid 85 dollars for your time with me."

"Well, how much would you have been willing to spend on that day?" Rory asks.

"I think I brought 100 dollars with me." Jess says as he wraps his arm around Rory.

"Only 100?" Rory teases.

"Hey, I was only 16. If I could I would have paid a million dollars." Jess says as he kisses Rory on her forehead.

They walk around the lake until they find a perfect shaded spot. Jess lays down a blanket and helps Rory sit down. As he empties out the contents of the basket, Jess asks "What exactly was in that basket of food you packed?"

"You mean at the bid a basket event?"

"Yeah. I mean whatever it was, it was the worst thing I ever ate."

"Oh, come on. It couldn't have been that bad." Rory teases.

"Oh, yes it was that bad." Jess laughs. "So what was in it?"

"I think it was just a mash up of whatever leftovers we had in the fridge. A little bit of Al's, a little bit of Indian cuisine. At least you didn't get mom's basket. Luke bought a basket of stale pop tarts and slim Jims." Rory teases.

"Well, then, good thing this basket was packed by me."

Jess proceeds to pull out a flask of iced tea, containers of salad, baked salmon, wild rice and some string beans. As well as plates forks and cups.

"Now this looks to be a better spread than I packed." Rory replies as she pours herself a cup of tea.

Jess proceeds to dole out some salad for Rory and passes it to her. "You know I don't like salad." Rory complains.

"It's for the baby." Jess replies as he digs in.

As Rory eats her salad which is topped off with hard boiled eggs, she tells Jess "I have to confess something."

"Uh oh. Do I want to know?"

"Well, depends. Mom and I were the ones who devil egged your car."

"I guessed as much. Man, it took a couple of times washing that car to get the stink out." Jess laughs.

"Well, I was kind of angry. You were with Shane."

"And you were with Dean." Jess adds. "I have to admit Dean's face when I outbid him was funny."

"You were trying so hard to get a rise out of him." Rory laughs.

"No, I was trying so hard to spend more time with you." Jess says as he passes Rory a plate of salmon, wild rice and string beans.

As Rory and Jess sit and eat the rest of their lunch, they look out on the lake. "You know before moving here, I didn't know all this was in Philadelphia." Rory admits.

"Most people don't. A lot of times it's compared to New York. Having lived in both, I can honestly say it's different." Jess says.

"Yeah, I see that now. I can see why you like this place so much."

"Yeah. It's home. I just got lucky I guess. Having moved here. Getting a job. Becoming an owner of Truncheon Books." Jess says.

"Any regrets?"

"I try not to have any. But I do regret not saying goodbye to you on the bus. I just didn't know how to put it into words."

"Hey," Rory leans in and kisses Jess. "I love you. And you're here. So no regrets, ok?"

"Yeah. No regrets."

As Jess packs up the basket, Rory lays back to relax. Her arms around her belly. "Come here, Jess."

Jess moves closer to Rory. She places his head on her belly and asks "Can you feel that?"

"I think Richard kicked me."

"Yup." Rory laughs. "I find he's more active after I eat."

"Probably getting a new burst of energy." Jess moves to lie down side by side with Rory. "Can you believe in less than a month a baby boy will be in our arms?"

"I'm excited. Richard Logan Gilmore. I wonder what he will look like." Rory ponders.

"If he looks anything like you, he will be beautiful. A little charmer." Jess says.

He looks over at Rory, caresses her face and leans down to kiss her. "Come on, Miss Gilmore. We better go home."

"Yup. Let's go."

Jess helps Rory off the ground then folds the blanket and puts it in the basket. He grabs hold of Rory's hand as they walk back to the car.

"Next time we are here, can you believe it will be three of us?" Rory asks.

"I can't wait." Jess whispers.


Later that evening, Lorelai, Luke, Jess and Rory are sitting on the couch playing five card draw. After all these years, Lorelai still can't figure out the rules of the game. But it sure is entertaining watching her play.

As Rory throws in her ante, she feels a sharp pain in her side.

"Rory, are you ok?" Jess asks as he puts his arms around her.

Rory starts taking shallow breaths and looks to her mom. "Mom, I think I'm in labor."

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