Dream / U | Renjun

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Renjun cupped your face using his both hands before smiling genuinely, showing his cute snaggled tooth. The fast beats of your heart are getting louder as you smiled back at him.

He caressed your right cheek and put the strand of your hair behind your ear. Every seconds feels like fantasy for you.

"I just want you to know that I'm the most luckiest person.. because I found you. Of all the people in the world, I captured your fragile heart and I'm thankful that you accepted me in your life whole-heartedly.. I love you, and I will always do. I want to have children with you, and to grow old with you is my greatest dream" Renjun said while smiling at you. You can feel the sudden heat rushing to your cheeks. He hold both of your hands tightly waiting to what you are going to say.

"I... I..." You didn't know what to say. The cold sweat in your forehead starts to appear, as you feel nervous all of a sudden.

You hold Renjun's hand, squeezing it as if you're asking for help. "Renjun-ah, I forgot what to say.." you whispered to him, but because you're wearing a microphone with you, the audience heard it all.

The crowd behind you starts 'booing' you as they throw some crumples papers at you. You didn't know how to react in this kind of situation.

Renjun just smiled at the crowd and hugged you tightly, ending the scene before he gestures to your fellow classmates to pull down the red curtain.

After that, Renjun left you. Your angry classmates starts to approach you like you've done the worst crime in the world.

"It was the last scene! Ghad!" Gerlie, one of your classmates yelled at you. Her soul-piercing stare is scaring the hell out of you.

"I shouldn't let you join the play, you're one of the main characters and yet you ruined it all! You're the worst member of this damn Drama Club!" Kimberly, the president of the drama club shouted before leaving you alone with the props.

You cover your face using your palms as you try to comfort yourself, but it isn't enough to stop your tears from falling. You feel so upset.

You've work hard for this, you practiced each lines everyday and just because you got mental blocked, they started to shout and yell at you like you're the worst person living on earth.

"Y/N, are you alright?" you heard a familiar voice calling your name so you look at him. You saw your cousin Chenle standing near the door.

He walks nearer to you when he noticed that you're crying, alone. He gets his handkerchief and starts to wipe your tears away, "Let's go now, the play is already over. Don't think too much about it, yah!" Chenle said before pulling your hands gently to make you stand.

"Thanks for comforting me" you said smiling. He just roll an eye at you, "I didn't comfort you, don't assume!" he said while trying his best not to smile. You just laughed at his cute reactions, your cousin will always be like this, "Whatever you say" you murmured.

You just drag Chenle to the canteen, you need to eat to lessen your sadness, besides you're 100% sure that your cousin will treat you. He's much wealthier than you anyways.

"I'll buy the food, just wait in the garden" Chenle said when he noticed that the other students are gossiping about you. You just nod your head before making your way to the garden. You smiled unconsiously, knowing that your cousin Chenle really cares for you.

When you reach the garden, you sat in your favorite spot, under the cherry blossom tree. Since it's winter time, it hasn't bloom flowers yet.

You close your eyes relaxing yourself. You're not going to stress yourself again just because you failed in front of others.

Your forehead wrinkled as you heard some footsteps coming nearer to you. At first you thought it was your cousin but as long as you've smell his scent, you're certain that it's your crush, Renjun.

You bowed your head as you saw him sit beside you. You really don't care if you failed in front of others, but failing in front of Renjun is an another issue.. you like him, and you didn't want to show him your flaws, but you failed anyways.

"I want you to know that I like you since the first day that I've seen you. Your smiles are like the sun, shining brightly making my day complete. You became my oxygen, my daily source of life. Right now, I don't know how am I suppose to live without you by my side.. I love you, and I want to grow old with you.. together with our own childs and grandchildren.." Renjun said making you blushed in the deep shade of red. You look at him and you can see the sincerity from his eyes.

"I.." you're out of words, you didn't know how react. Your heartbeats grew faster when he suddenly smiled at you.

"That was your line.. that you forgot earlier" he said before shifting his gaze. "Oh.." you responded before taking a deep breath. You really thought that Renjun already confessed something but it turns out that he just reminded you the lines that you've forgot earlier.

"I'm sorry for ruining the play.. I know it's your dream role so you really work hard for it but, it's just.. I suddenly got mental--" Renjun shushed you before you could even finished your sentences. He smiles at you before putting the strand of your hair behind your ear, making your heart pounds once again.

"It's alright, it not your fault anyways.. sorry for leaving earlier.." he said sounded guilty. You just smiled back at him before tapping his shoulder, "It's okay, don't worry" you said smiling.

"I just want to tell you that... I like you, for real. I didn't know where or when did it start, but.. I'm certain about my feelings. I want to make you smile everyday, I want to spend every hours of my day with you, and I want you to kiss me under the rain. Will you accept me?" Renjun suddenly uttered making you startled. What is it this time? You can feel the sudden heat creeping up to your cheeks but you're trying your best to hide it, you didn't want to keep your hopes high.

"Is that a part of the script?" you asked making him laugh cutely, "What do you think?" he asked back at you while looking intently in your eyes. Your heart keeps on pounding as if someone is drumming on it.

"Uh.. no?" you asked again, you're not quite sure but you know to yourself that those isn't part of the script.

He smiles at you while nodding his head, "So what will be your answer Y/N?" he asked while smiling widely showing his cute snaggles tooth.

"Err.. yes?" You said before smiling awkwardly. Renjun just chuckled and suddenly pecked in your cheek making you startled, "It's settled then, meet me up in the cafe near your place later, at 7pm" Renjun said shyly before leaving you. You're about to scream but then suddenly Chenle appeared in front of you putting a bun in your mouth. "I heard it all, he's so cheesy.. eww" your cousin cringed making you laugh before letting out a scream.

A/N: I'm dedicating this story to my friend EvilMaknae64 who is really addicted to our innocent chinese boy Renjun💕 hope you like it!


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