WayV / U | Ten

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Wearing your favorite dress, you walk towards the cafe next to your office. It's a special day today because you're going to celebrate your 3rd year anniversary with your Thai boyfriend, Ten.

The waiters greeted you as you entered the cafe. It's actually 8 in the morning and the two of you decided to meet at exactly 8:30. You know you're too early but it's planned though, you want to surprise him.

You smiled when you sat on the chair next to the glass window where you can see the people who passes by on the sidewalk.

You put the paper bag that you'd been holding since you left your house in the table and get the little box inside. You look at the personalized necklace you bought the week before your anniversary. It has the initials of your names with a note sign between letters.

You know that Ten really loves music that's why you decided to bought him an ipod as well. You saved every cents of your money just to buy this expensive gadget, but it doesn't bothers you though, if it's going to make your man happy, then you're fine with it.

Your smile grew wider when you heard the beep from your phone, you checked it and your expectations didn't fail you, it was your boyfriend who texted you.

From: 🔟Chittapon🔟

Hey babe, I'm on my way

8:25 AM

You suddenly smile as you read his text, even if he doesn't say 'i love you' in his text and it's just a simple 'I'm on my way', it can still make the butterflies in your tummy rumbles.

You didn't reply on his text and just put your cellphone back to your bag. You get your comb and starts combing your hair, you want to look presentable for your man, Chittapon.

"Why does 5 minutes seems so long?" you eagerly asked while counting every seconds from the clock. You can't wait to see him anymore even though you just met yesterday, you still misses him like you didn't seen him for ages.

You put the paperbag in your chair when the clock's hand turned to 8:30. Excitement is the only expression that can be seen from your face.

But that excitement didn't last long. You'd been waiting for almost an hour but your boyfriend is still not coming. "What took you so long, babe?" you asked as if he could hear you.

You can feel the uneasy atmosphere, it feels like something is happening. Chittapon never got late in your dates even a second. But what happened now? He's almost thirty minutes late.

You're about to text your boyfriend when an unregistered number suddenly flashed in your cellphone screen.

"Hello, who's this?" you answered the call politely. The caller in the other end of the line took a deep breath before responding, "Y/N, is this you?" the caller asked.

You got curious, how come that the caller already know your name?

"Yes, this is Y/N" you said. You got shocked when you heard the caller suddenly cry, "This is Chittapon's cousin.. C-can you please come to the hospital? My cousin got into an accident and.. and he's still unconcious right now" the caller cried.

Unconciously, you suddenly cried. And without hesitations you left the cafe, making your way to the nearest hospital.

When you entered the emergency room, the smell of medicine and blood welcomed you. You hate the smell of those but you still make your way to the last bed in the left row.

You can see the doctor and the nurses rushing to the patient, and it is also the time you realized that the guy who's lying at that bed is your beloved boyfriend.

"Time of death, 9:15 AM" the doctor announced making you froze in your spot. No this can't be happening.. not my Chittapon.. you cried.

You walked nearer to him, your knees suddenly weakened when you saw Chittapon's pale face. It's really him, lifeless and cold.

It feels like your whole world suddenly collapse, you can't believe that your sunshine is really gone.

"Y/N.." his mother approaches you, she hugs you before pulling you nearer to his son's body.

"He's gone now Y/N.. I can't believe that my son is already gone" his mother cried making you cry too. If you can only end your own life too just to be with him, but you know he'll just going to be mad at you if you do so.

"I'll miss you babe.."


One year. It's been a year since he left you behind. It's been one year since he broke his promise that he'll never leave you alone.

"You liar" you utter as you put the boquet of white roses into his tomb. It's been a year but the pain is still in there. You can't still believe that it happened.

You sat beside his grave and stare at it. Happy memories starts to flow in your mind once again, and like the usual, you're crying again.

"I hate you! I really do!" you cried while looking at his tomb. The words 'I hate you' were the only words that you always says whenever you visit his grave.

"You told me you'll never leave me, but guess. You already did, you liar!" you shouted. You can't help but to cry your heart's out. Besides you're the only person in the cemetery right now.

"I never leave you" the familiar voice suddenly make you stopped from crying. You know that voice, it's your Chittapon's.

You shook your head in the thought on your mind, you're just hearing things! You scolds yourself.

"It looks awful to see my name engraved in that damn tomb" the voice said making you look at your back. Your eyes got widened when you saw him.. alive, and smiling at you.

"Y-you.." you stutters. He just laughed and hugged you so tightly like he saved all those hugs just to gave it all to you for this day.

"I know you're shock.. but here I am now, still alive and handsome" he smiles before kissing your temple.

"What happened? Everyone thought that you're already gone!" you said making him laugh again like you'd thrown a really nice joke.

"Well I really got into an accident, but I did not die. I just got commatosed. I didn't know that my parents are going to faked my death, it's so awful" he complained then pouted. Unconciously, you suddenly smile.

"I really miss you" you told him before hugging him again. You just can't believe that he's still alive and you're hugging him right in front of his tomb.

"I miss you too, by the way happy anniversary" he utters making you look at him, "I know I'm too late but we can still continue our date right?" he asked cutely while doing an aegyo. You just laugh and nod your head before giving him a peck, "Of course babe" you answered.

You're really expecting something from your boyfriend for your anniversary, and guess what, it's really unexpected. He died and he suddenly came alive. You know it's weird, but for you, seeing him alive and breathing must be the most special and precious gift that you get from him, from your loving Chittapon.


A/N: Hi:) so??? How was it? I know it's lame *yuyuface*, by the way, I'm dedicating this to my friend, this is the very least that I can do for you:)))


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