127 / Dream / U | Haechan

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"Good luck to your first day in your school honey, tell me about eveything later okay?" your mom kissed your forehead before you can get out of the car, you just nod your head and smile genuinely before leaving.

You were actually a transferee from America. Studying in South Korea isn't really part of the plan but your dad decided that it's also nice if you can have a little knowledge about the country where your descendants came from.

But since it's your first time to study in Korea, you still can't speak korean. All you know is just some basic words like hello and thank you.

It's the only fault that your parents did, they never taught you how to speak korean since you were little, that's why you're having a really hard time studying your originated nation's language.

You walk through the huge gate of your new academy, everything you see is so aesthetically beautiful in your eyes, so this is how it feels to be in Korea.

You were so caught in the moment when someone suddenly bumped you making you sit in your butt harshly.

"Omo hyung neo gwaenchana?" you heard someone yelling behind you, "Ne gwaenchanayo!" someone yelled back. But you didn't pay attention to them. Your back is aching a little and you're having a hard time to stand-up.

You got startled when someone grabbed your hand and make you stand, "Neo gwaenchana?" a red-haired boy asked you.

"I'm sorry.. I can't understand what you are saying" you said while bowing your head in embarassment. The guy in front of you wrinkled his forehead before smiling, "I'm sorry, are you an exchange student by chance?" he asked making you nod your head again.

"Oh, I'm really sorry for bumping you. I didn't mean it. I'm Donghyuck, by the way" the red-haired boy said, offering a handshake to you. You smiled back at him, "I'm Maria, it's nice to meet you Donghyuck!" you said cheerfully then shake hands with him.

"Once again I'm really really sorry!" he said then bowed at you but you just smiled at him. Your smile somewhat attracted the hell out of him and he won't stop staring you.

"That's okay Donghyuck" you said and was about to leave but he stopped you. "Uhm, hey don't leave yet" he said making you a bit confuse and seems like his friends shows the same reaction.

"Why?" you just asked. He scratched the back of his neck then asked you to come with them in the cafeteria so he can atleast repay you for forgiving him even though he bumped you a bit hard. You know it sounds weird but you came along anyway, besides you still haven't have any friends yet and maybe they can be the one.

He bought some sandwhiches and beverages and they asked you to eat with them. Donghyuck also introduces you to his friends.

That was the very first time you met this guy called Donghyuck and his friends. He's nice, caring and a bit savage but doesn't offend anyone.

You didn't know how it happened but after that day you became part of their group, they became your friends and you became closest to Donghyuck.

Right now you were sitting in the same spot in cafeteria where you and the guys ate the foods that Donghyuck bought when you first met. It was actually your favorite spot.

You were about to eat your lunch when you noticed the 6 boys running towards your table. Renjun and Chenle sat on your sides while the other sat in front of you.

"Why are you guys such in a hurry?" you asked them but they just shrugged their shoulders, "We're dead hungry!" Jeno complained while holding a pair of chopsticks then snatched a ham from your lunch box.

"You lil piece of cute creature! How dare you steal my food?" You said but he just smiled. You're not mad, actually you find it cute when Jeno gave you an eyesmile after you confront him.

You just smiled back then look at everyone of them, as if you're looking for something... something that is missing.

"Guys, where is your self-proclaimed visual Lee Donghyuck?" you asked but no one among them seem to notice your question. They just sat in there, opened their lunch boxes and start eating like a cave man that wasn't be able to taste food for a decade.

You involuntarily rolled an eye and was about to ask them again when Jaemin's phone rang. "What? Where is he?! Alright." the young boy got your attention making him to look at you using his worried expression.

"Maria, they said they found Donghyuck getting caught in fight with the gang in the lower sections" Jaemin said making you worried as trice as you were before knowing the news. You automatically stand up and was about to leave when you noticed that the other boys were not standing up and just kept on eating like they'd starved for years.

"Aren't you guys going?" you asked but they just shrugged their shoulders, "Nah, you can handle it Maria. We just need to finish first" Jeno said while munching the kimchi rice in his lunch box.

Seriously? They're going to ditch a friend just for food?! This is unbelievable! You thought to yourself before you started to run like a mad woman in the hallway.

Indeed you reached the spot on time because you can barely see anyone being injured. But it is real though, they're is a fight going on between Donghyuck and the gang.

When you walked nearer, someone suddenly punched Donghyuck in the face making you to rushed to his place.

"Yah! DON'T HURT HIM!" you yelled, stopping the commotion and making them to make way so you can come closer to him.

"Donghyuck ah! Are you alright?" you asked him while trying to stop yourself from crying. Donghyuck is one of those people whom you treasure, and you can't bear seeing him like this, specially that you've already developed special feelings for him.

You held his hand showing how much you were worried. But he just smiled, "I'm fine, as long as you're willing to be my girlfriend" he said making you smile.

"That's a relief---wait what?" you asked in amusement. Your heart started to beat rapidly, the sweet atmosphere is synchronizing with the love song that is being played in the back ground.

Everything suddenly became slow motion. "I know this is stupid but believe me Maria, eversince I saw you that day... You've already caught my attention, I liked you eversince, I hope you're feeling the same" he confessed making you blushed in a deep shade of pink.

"I... I don't like you, I'm sorry" you confessed back making the boy infront of you lose his charming smile, "It's okay I can unders---"

"It's because I already love you" you said. Jeno and the other five of your friends cheered for you and you literally got surprised to see them there.

While on the other hand, teary-eyed Donghyuck can't already breathe properly due to rapid heart beating, "So it means.." he trailed his words making you smile at him.

"Yes I will marry you---I mean, YES! I'LL BE YOURS NOW" you half-shouted making the young man infront of you burst into tears, "I never seen you cry before" you laughed before hugging him, he hugged you back then kissed your temple, "But you're still not cute" he said and it made you pouted your lips, ""Its because you're beautiful and I love you" he smiled after finishing his sentence making you the happiest woman on that day.

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