Dream / U | Jaemin

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You were currently waiting outside Jaemin's assinged kindergarten's classroom where you can see how he interacted with the kids and it just made your heart flutters.

You became best of friends when you're still on your junior years in highschool and you were never separated since then.

You actually have a crush on him but you can't and you'll never admit it because you both promised that you'll only have a platonic friendship no matter what.

"Goodbye teacher Jaemin!" the children yelled in chorus. The kids also waved at you before they finally went home with their parents.

"So how's volunteering? You like it?" Jaemin asked with a wide smile. You just giggled, "Yes I like it so much! The kids are so cute, now I want to be a pre-school teacher" you said, your eyes filled with sparkles that made him chuckled, "You're welcome" he answered.

"Is this our last day in here?" you asked while you're walking on the noisy hallway of the public pre-school somewhere in Africa.

"Apparently yes, we've been absent for almost a week though, we need to catch up" Jaemin answered, sadness were visible on his eyes. Unconciously, you stared at his face. You know him, you know that he likes helping people, and being with this african kids surely made his heart happy.

He is such a soft guy.

"Oh right" you responded then tapped his back, "Don't be sad okay? We'll be back in summer vacation" you smiled a little then placed your shoulder bag on your other shoulder. Jaemin seemed to notice that you're having a hard time in carrying your bag since it was filled with books you used in teaching earlier, "I'm just gonna miss these kids" he said as he grabbed the bag from you.

Your heart started to beat a bit faster and this hot feeling started to crept up on your cheek. Jaemin's also a gentleman.

"What do you wanna eat for lunch?" he asked as you entered your group's tent. "Just get me the same of what you're going to eat" you answered then sat on one of the chairs. He just nodded and went to grab your foods on the stalls.

"I got some mashed potato and fried chicken, I didn't know they were serving this kind of fancy food, but maybe UNESCO was being nice because it's our last day" Jaemin blabbered as soon as he arrived. You just nod your head in agreement before you started to eat.

In the middle of your meal, a guy, maybe at age of 20 went on your table while holding a camera. "Hi guys, I'm the official photographer for this year's volunteering program" he introduced himself, making the both of you to look at him.

Jaemin was the first one to approach, "Oh, hi! My name is Jaemin and this is Y/N" he gleefully introduced.

"You two looks so cute that's why I went here, can I take a picture of you? It is so rare to see young couples volunteering in this kind of UNESCO program" the guy said while looking at the both of you, "You were a couple right?" the guy asked making you blushed a little.

"Not yet, but we're almost there" Jaemin answered making you turn into a tomato. "That's great! Now look at the lens and smile" the guy said. You tried to make yourself smile but you failed when Jaemin placed his hand on your shoulder and pulled you on his side, making you unconciously look at him.

"This is such a great picture! I hope you can come back this summer" the guy said and Jaemin just nod, "We'll surely do" he answered before saying goodbye to the guy.

"W-What are you saying?" you suddenly asked making Jaemin to look at you, "Why? You're the one who said we'll come back this summer" he said, curiousity was all over his face.

"No, you said it is just a platonic friendship so stop blabbering nonsense things" you seriously said, you wanted to believe that he's also into you but you know him-he likes to joke around.

But this one ain't funny.

Jaemin seemed to be startled from what you've said, "I'm sorry" he finally said when he realized what he just did, which made your heart broke into tiny bits.

Tears wanted to scape from your eyes but you're doing your best to stop it, "No, don't mind it" you smiled-and you can imagine in your head how distorted that smile was.

You were about to continue eating when Jaemin started to talk again, "I'm sorry because I can't hold onto that promise" He said making you to throw your spoon harshly on your plate.

"Jaemin will you stop? Please stop this nonsense!" you half-shouted.

"W-What?" he startled.

"Stop joking around, it's not funny anymore!" you said before grabbing your things and left him alone on the table.

"Y/N" you heard his voice behind you but you didn't look back at him. Tears are pouring out on your eyes and you don't want him to see that.

"I'm sorry if I broke the promise I made, but I can't stop this anymore-I can't stop loving you... so I'm sorry if I'll continue adoring you even if you don't want to" he said then hugged you from behind.

You can feel his heart synchronizing with yours. "J-Jaemin" is all you can say. You wanted to hug him back but the truth turned you into a rock, you can't even move a muscle-it is only your heart who keeps on beating as if it were about to burst out.

"I know it is hard, and I can accept it if you can only see me as your friend" he uttered.

"All these years I hide my feelings for you Jaemin, you don't have any idea how hard it was to control my feelings because of that stupid promise!" you finally said. Jaemin made you turn to him and a wide precious smile was plastered on his face.

"You like me too?" his question was full of hope.

"Yes, but we promise to each other" you responded, Jaemin dried the tears on your cheek and smile once more, "But promises, they were tend to be broken" he said making you smile before your face became closer and your lips finally united, t'was sealed with innocent love you both kept on denying because of a stupid promise.


hi guys! It is me again, your lunatic author. If you've already read the first version of this (Jaemin's) oneshot, you might notice that it drastically changed-everything actually changed. It is because I can't also understand the story myself, so I wrote a better version(?? Haha). Hope you'll like it.


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