127 / U | Jaehyun

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It's been eight years since you get to know each other. He's just a chubby elementary loser before who kept on courting and sending love letters to you. But you're just ignoring him back then and just used to distant yourself from him.

Before, he's the one whose begging for your attention, but it seems like the world suddenly turned upside down. Now you're the one who's thirsting for his damn attention.

Eversince he became an artist, you never had the chance to meet him again because of his busy schedules.

Before he used to surprised you in your birthdays, but it seems like you're the one whose doing it now.

He is not an ordinary teenage guy now, because he's an artist. He already attained his biggest dream.

They said you're lucky enough because you and Jaehyun grew up together, but you never consider yourself as one of those lucky ones..

Yes, you're happy knowing that he used to chased you before, but that's already in the past. Now you're regretting everything. And you're thirsting for his love, you want him to be yours.. and yours alone.

They call you selfish, and it's true. Whenever it comes to him, you always become selfish all of a sudden.

Right now you're standing right in front of him, not because you're talking to him or something.. but because you're having a fanmeet with him.

Yes, you become a fan of him. But you never let him know about this, he never know that you're one of those ladies who keeps on shouting his name during concerts.

"Hey, thank you for coming! Please keep on supporting us" he beamed while signing the album that you've bought the day before the fanmeet.

You stared at him in starstruck awe. He's done signing on his picture but your eyes were still fixed on his.

"Do you have anything to say?" he smiled at you, waiting for you to say something but you can't utter even a single word.

You're just staring at him like he's the most precious person in the whole wide world.

"Hey move! You're not the only one here!" the girl next to you suddenly yelled and pushed you. But instead of looking at her and yelling back, you just pay your attention at Jaehyun. Shockness registered to his face while he's stopping the girl next to you, "Yah, hajima! That's too rude" he said, you just bowed your head at him before walking away.

It's the twenty-fourth fanmeet that you've attended, but still you're not be able to talk to him, you just can't. You always got starstrucked whenever he's near.

You walked towards to the ladies cr. You stand in front of the mirror before taking off your face mask, yes you're wearing a freaking face mask just to hide the half of your face from Jaehyun.

You stare at yourself for a moment before washing both of your hands, you also take off your jacket before leaving the place.

Right now, you're standing not too far from NCT's service van. You're waiting for almost five hours just to see your loving Jaehyun again before the day ends.

The earsplitting noise from the crowd became worst when the NCT members finally appears in the crowd, camera flashes are everywhere. They keep on bowing at everyone until they got inside the van.

Almost all of the members are already inside the van except for him, the one who always used to make your heart flutters.

"Where's Jaehyun?" the fan behind you suddenly asked, that's the exact question on your mind too.

"Jaehyun left earlier after talking to the girl before me" another fan said making you confused all of a sudden.
Why he'd left? You actually wanted to assume that you're the one who talked to him before he left, you wanted to assume that he left because he wants to find you. But none of them are true, you're just assuming. Again.

You left the crowd and went to the rearward part of the building next to where the event happened. You need to find Jaehyun, you can't bear not seeing him before the day ends.

If you only give him a chance before, then maybe you're done chasing him today, but the problem is you're too ruthless before, you did not even bother to entertain him back when he's still after you.

You walked to the alley between the buildings, Jaehyun always used to take this route whenever it's too crowded. How did you know? Well you're always following him wherever he goes.

You reached the hindmost part of the alley and there you found your Jaehyun, smiling while holding someone's hand.. someone that is really familiar to you.

It was Hani, the nerd that is used to be with Jaehyun before. She's wearing her usual thick eyeglasses and her hair is tied up in a bun.

They noticed you coming, and because you didn't have your face mask with you, they easily recognized you.

"Y/N..." shockness registered to Jaehyun's face as he saw you walking nearer to them. "What are you doing here?" Hani asked you, she knew everything that you've done to Jaehyun before.

But instead of answering her question, you just stare at them. Your gaze landed to their hands that's still gripping on each other tightly.

It should be me.. you thought. You should be the one who's holding that precious hand, you should be the one who's with him.. but sadly it's not you and it will never be you. Now you're full of regrets. If you can only turn back the time..

"Are y-you two together?" you asked with a shaking voice, you wanted to hear him saying 'no' but what he said is the opposite of what you're thinking, "Yes.. we are" he answered.

You can feel that your knees suddenly weakened, you can't accept the fact that Hani, the one that you really hate the most is already Jaehyun's girl.

"But why her...?" you asked, you're expecting Jaehyun to say 'I had no choice' but he didn't, instead he pulled Hani nearer to him, "Why not?" he answered. Those words echoed in your mind. Why not!? It's because she's a loser! You thought.

"But Jaehyun.. I'm here, and I am ready to love you now. Jaehyun please.. won't you love me back?" you asked him, while trying to stop your tears from flowing. You didn't want to cry in front of Hani, you can't bear looking like a loser in front of her.

"I love you too Y/N.." he trails his words before looking intently at you, "But that's already in the past.. sorry Y/N, I can't love you now because I realized that Hani is the right girl for me. She's always by my side and she even supported me in my hardships.. unlike you. You never let me go near you before.. I'm sorry" he said before leaving you.

And like waterfalls, your tears started to stream down to your cheeks. You always said before that you'll never be a loser but guess what, now you are.

Because of your stupidness, you became a loser, and maybe that's the consequence of not giving him a chance before and for bullying Hani. It seems like the world really turned upside down, before Hani is the one who you always used to hurt, but now, you need to bear this pain.. because now Hani is already the winner and you'll always be the loser.


A/N: So as you can remember, my friend Eunhee, wrote a catastrophic fanfic about mah boii Jeno:) So as a revenge, I wrote a really bad ending for her requested story~that's the way how I show my love for her:) Harhar, I'll always be a lunatic no matter what😂


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