127 / U | Johnny (part three)

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A/N: I don't know why but I'm enjoying this kind of genre~ this is all because I've watched that one 007 movie entitled Skyfall. Anyway, here's the part three of 007 featuring our badass daddy, Johnny😎 Hope you're not getting bored:)


It's been a month, and you can already walk properly. After the incident that happened, the doctor told you that you hit your back on a concrete wall. Luckily it didn't damaged your spinal cord so you can still walk.

You took off your shades before pulling your luggage and get into a taxi. Your parents decided to send you to Hawaii, where you can be safe from the attackers.

When you arrived to the hotel, you got checked in and get your room keys. You're about to get inside the elevator when a familiar lady suddenly bumped into you making you stumble to the floor.

"Hey!" you yelled in annoyance, but the lady just look at you, her face looks familiar and you know to yourself that you've seen her before.

"Omo, I'm sorry. Here let me help you" she said then pulled your hands gently to make you stand, "It's alright. By the way, may I know your name? I'm pretty sure that your face seems familiar to me" you said as you two get inside the elevator.

The lady just took off her sunglasses before smiling at you, her half cresent eyesmile looks familiar. You know her, very much.

"I'm Tiffany Hwang, you're Y/N right?" she asked smiling. You gently nod your head and hug her. She's your childhood best friend, she's the one that you used to play with when you're still in your elementary days.

"Ppanyang!" you squealed. She just laughed at your reaction, "Yah! It's been a long time, wanna hang out with me? I have a lot to tell you" Tiffany uttered and you just gave her an okay sign.

You just put your luggage in your room then join Tiffany to the small bar beside the beach. It's not like the ordinary indoor bar.

Tiffany ordered tequila for her and a cocktail for you. You really miss your one and only best friend. You got to know her when their family became one of the share holders of your family's company.

"So how are you doing this days?" you asked her after giving a sip in your cocktail. She suddenly blushed in deep shade of red as if she's really in love.

"Yah! I think I've already found my true love" Tiffany said while her both hands are placed in her cheeks. You just let out a low squeal, you're really happy for your friend.

"Really? Where did you find him?" you asked with a big smile in your face, "Well he always used to appear whenever I'm in danger" she answered making your smile disappeared.

Wait, does she have a secret agent too?

Johnny suddenly flashed in your mind, you really missed him. It's been a month but he's still not showing up to you.

"What's his name?" you asked again, this time in a serious tone but you're friend doesn't seem to notice it.

"It's Johnny! He's so handsome" Tiffany squealed making you shocked. This can't be happening, not with her. You look around when you noticed that someone's looking at your direction, you got startled when you saw a familiar silhouette of a guy standing next to coconut tree not too far from your spot.

"Johnny?" you asked while squinting your eyes to see him better, but he suddenly run away when he noticed you looking at him. "Huh? You know him---wait gurl! Where are you going?" Tiffany asked after you ran away from the spot. You didn't look back at her and just run to Johnny's direction.

You're certain that it's him. But why is he hidding from you? What did you do wrong?

You almost reached the forest nearby, but you can't see Johnny. You know it's him. You're 100% sure that it's really him.

"Where are you?" you asked with tears falling down to your cheeks. You really wanted to see him so badly, you wanted to be with him. But why does he keeps on running away from you? Is it because your parents already hired another person to protect you?

"Johnny!" you shouted in vain. You're being desperate to see him.

You suddenly stopped crying when you noticed someone walking behind you. It's Johnny, you guess.

You're about to look back when the guy behind you suddenly make you faced him. Your smile faded. It's not Johnny.

"Who are you? Let me go!" you yelled, the guy with a fair skintone just scrathes his head in your sudden reaction, "Relax, I won't harm you. I'm Jaehyun and I'm a secret agent, my mission is to protect you. So I can't let you go alone in this forest" the guy said.

Your forehead wrinkled after hearing the word Agent, "You're my new protector?" you asked in disbelief and he just nod his head.

-Johnny's POV-

I let out a deep breath after climbing a tree, I sat on one of the thick branches before looking into her direction. I know that she saw me earlier, and I can't let that. I can't let her go near me.

Seeing her cry makes my heart pains, but seeing her with another man is also breaking my heart. I know agent Jung is only doing his job but heck, I don't want him to touch her.

Of all the places in the world, why does she needs to hide here in Hawaii? How am I suppose to hide from her?

I just shook my head before looking back at their direction. My forehead wrinkled when I saw another five men with them.

Who are they? And why does agent Jung is only standing right next to her?

I watched their every move, I know they're one of those who kidnapped her before. I need to be alert, I won't let them to hurt her.

Agent Jung pulled out a gun from his pocket, at first I thought he's going to aim it to those guys, but it's the opposite of what he did. He did aim it into Y/N's temple.

"Don't f*cking tell me that agent Jung is a f*cking spy?!" I asked in annoyance, damn her life would be in danger again. What should I do? Should I call agent Jess first or should I save Y/N first?


The leader of the five mens gave an envelope to agent Jung and I'm certain that it's a payment for his work. Damn that traitor.

"Let me go!" Y/N yelled when one of the men tied her hands. I can't do anything. I need to save her no matter what.

I was about to jump off, but then I stopped my self when I heard one of those men talked, "They already got the daughter of the chairman of Hwang Industry" he said making me pull my hair in frustration. What should I do? Who should I save?

My mission or my love?

A/N: Ello everyone~ our badass agent, Johnny is having a hard time. What do you think? His mission or his love? Get promoted or get fired?

Better wait for the next update!



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