Dream / U | Chenle

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It's been five months since you gave your answer to Chenle when he asked you to be his girl. You guys gone through a lot of difficulties, like little cat fights and childish misunderstandings. But even though you guys are having conflicts, like any other couples, you're still able to find answers to those problems. And those hindrances made your relationship became more stronger than before.

You're happy to be with him and you already feel contented. But just like what they always say, every happiness has an equal sadness.

As the time passes by, little by little, you're starting to notice that huge change happening to Chenle. He's no longer the sweet and lovable Chenle that always have time for you.

You can see how he suddenly changed, he became a cold guy and he never gives time on you. You just thought that he's busy with his career but you're wrong, and the problem is you can't really figure out why he's acting all weird for the past few weeks.

But since it's only two days ahead before your 6th monthsary, you just thought that all the ignorings that Chenle's doing are all just his diversion tactics so you won't notice him preparing for the upcoming celebration.

You just let out a soft chuckle before wrapping up the sweater that you've made by yourself for one whole month, it's not that perfect because you're not a professional, but knowing Chenle, you know he'll appriciate it, just like how you appriciated all the little things that he had done to you.

You can't wait for the two more days to come, you're just really excited because excuse them, your relationship is going to be half way of the year.


Today is already the day when you and Chenle will celebrate your sixth month of relationship. You can't really hide your excitement because seriously, you woke up 4 in the morning just to text your loving Chenle that you two are gonna meet in your old dating place. The place where you give him an answer when he's still courting you. The place where you used to celebrate each monthsaries. And of course, the place where you guys are planning to get married.

Yes, you and Chenle were still both young and not be able to bear a family, but your future with him is already built. All you want to do is to grow old with that handsome, talented, lovable and kind man named Zhong Chenle.

When the clock's hand hit 8 am, you made your way to the said place. You can't even stop smiling even when you're just walking bacause you can't find a taxi that will bring you to your dating place. But it doesn't matter though, it's only few blocks away from your house so it's just a walking distance.

Excitement rushed to your whole body when you saw a very familiar silhouette of a young man. It's Chenle and he just made your smile grew wider.

But as you walk further, little by little, your smile is starting to fade away. You can see how he kissed that girl in her cheeks while they're laughing happily like a real couple. You didn't want to believe what you're actually seeing, but it's pellucid, very clear that it can already broke your fragile heart.

It feels like you suddenly stiffened in your place, all the excitement in your body suddenly washed out with anger. You wanted to confront them but you just can't. You're too hurt and wounded to talk to them.

You watched them in agony for few more minutes before they finally parted ways.

Maybe she's just a relative of him.

Maybe she's just a friend.

You wanted to think all the positive thoughts, but the fact that Chenle's seeming so happy to be with that girl, it's really crashing your heart into million pieces.

You saw Chenle started to walk towards your dating place. Right, it's your monthsary today, you almost forgot.

You just wiped all those tears streaming down to your face before starting to walk again.

When you reached the said place, you saw him in there, sitting in one of the swings while chatting someone over his phone with a wide smile on his face. You checked your phone if there's any text for you, but damn reality just hitted you. It's not you who he's texting.

"Chenle.." you finally said making him to stop doing his stuff and look at you with his bored, disappointed face.

"You're late again, Jade" he said. That's it. That hit a nerve. He never used to call you in your real name before. You're his jagi but now you just turned out to be a plain Jade for him.

You wanted to punch him right in his face, you wanted to pull his hair, you wanted to push him so hard so he will hit the ground.. But you just can't move a muscle.

"I have something important to tell you" he started but you didn't utter a word and just wait for what he's going to say.

"I don't love you, I don't feel the same way for you. Let's just disappear in each other's life okay? I never wanted to see you again" Chenle said while looking at your eyes intently. Every words that he had said were like daggers that keeps on stabbing your heart.

"Is.. that what you wanted?" you finally asked him even though you're already crashing inside.

"Yes." he said seriously before leaving you alone. It's just three letters and just one word, yet it still killed you.

You just bowed your head when you suddenly felt the warm tears flowing on your cheeks. Maybe he's not happy with you anymore. Maybe you're not enough for him. Maybe you're too boring.

Your mind were full of maybe's which is also hurting you inside. Maybe if you just did your best before then maybe he'll never leave you, just maybe.

"If that's what you really wanted Chenle, I'll never bother you again. Please have a healthy relationship. I hate you, but still, I love you. But seems like loving you will make me a complete criminal so I'll just let you go. Please be happy, and I'll be fine" you uttered, before dropping the sweater that you've made and leave the place with tears flowing on your face.


Eyo babies, this story is dedicated to @JDBangtan whom I can't really tag since I'm only using my phone for this update, so I just put the screenshot of her request in the picture. Thank you for reading my stories Jade, and I'm so sorry because I can't tag you, I hope you understand🙆 Saranghae eo~

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