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"The real battle began

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"The real battle began."

The God of Flames had grown to at least ten feet tall and was in the process of locking blades with the final female soldier. She winced as the god struck her blow after blow, her once long, dark hair reduced to half it's original length its once lush tips now charred and blackened from the god's flames. A long and deep cut that had just missed her eye ran along her cheek, oozing blood, that threatened to blind the Mutare soldier.

"My congratulations for killing all the others, God of the Flames," she spat, gripping the twin hilts of her daggers, her breathing ragged as she faced the giant Fire God. "Yet, you still have one last Mutare to kill," she growled, and the god muttered a curse under his breath, before shrinking back to how tall he was when he'd first walked into the clearing, just over six feet. The flames along the blade of his sword went out, steam rising in their place from the sharp metal of the blade.

"Well I guess I'll have to be more careful when I'm fighting you," he said, narrowing his eyes and waiting for the Mutare to attack.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, Fire God," she spat before rushing towards him, and they locked blades once more.

"You really are quite skilled," the god commented, although he was having no trouble blocking her attacks that were now waning in strength.

"Do not mock me," she growled, trying to hide the desperation in her voice as a new type of fire lit in the very being of her soul as she thrust one of her daggers towards the god, aiming for his heart, using the other to block his attack. 

She found herself surprised when her dagger actually managed to enter the chest of the god, where his heart should have been, only that was not the case at all. She stumbled backward as she saw the cold smirk of the god. A smirk that showed he knew what she did not. He almost looked amused as he pulled the dagger from his chest, sticky with the god's silver blood, and pointed it back at the female Mutare.

"Do you get it now?" he asked as he pointed the dagger at her, and she stumbled backward once more, trying to flee from this god's wrath, yet only ended up tripping over her own feet and falling to the soft forest floor, littered with pine needles. She stared up as she saw the god, pointing his sword at her throat. "Don't you understand? I am a god! Nothing can kill me! No blade, and definitely no Mutare scum," he spat, his gray eyes darkening as he moved the sword to her throat.

"If you're going to kill me, do it quickly," she hissed, feeling like an utter fool for believing she could have taken on a god of this strength. It would have taken an entire army to destroy one of the higher ranking ones like this. 

The god simply smirked, as he knew that what he had in store was a fate worse than death for any of the Mutare, and something just as dangerous for any god. Yet it was what needed to be done if he had any hope of his plan succeeding. So he simply sized up the Mutare, his blade still pointed at her chest as he began to speak.

"You lay defeated in battle, yet I have the mercy to spare your life," the god said, as the female Mutare's eyes widened, as more horror than she'd ever known before spread through her body. 

She knew those words. She had seen a god use this enchantment on a Mutare just once before, and she knew she could never forget it. "For this mercy, I will bind your soul to my blade, until your debt has been paid," he continued still pointing the sword at the Mutare, daring her to move, but she remained frozen, paralyzed, with fear. "I bind this curse with your blood."

With those words, the God of the Flames pierced his blade into the female Mutare below him's shoulder. She screamed in agony as if a fire was spreading through her veins, burning her alive. The God of Flames had seen it before, yet never performed the enchantment himself. 

It was said to be the most painful thing any creature could ever endure. Perhaps that was why most didn't survive the ritual. He had hoped this one would though. She seemed powerful enough, both quick-witted and fierce with a blade, he just hoped she'd be strong enough to survive the-

She burst into flames.

The god bent down looking at what remained of the female Mutare. Nothing but a pile of ash. His scowl deepened as he looked around the clearing and saw all of the other Mutare dead as well. It seemed getting a Mutare would be harder than he had expected. Much harder. 

That was when he noticed that the Lekki children he'd first seen when he'd entered the clearing had disappeared too, and he shook his head, wondering how his plan had gone so terribly wrong. He had known this was going to be the spot that he was going to meet the two that would help him through his quest. The Balance Goddess had told him, and she was never wrong about anything.

In the distance, he could still hear the Lekki children running through the brush, trying to escape from this place and it's Mutare, or perhaps even him. The Fire God's eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows pinched together as he stormed after him, knowing that he wasn't going to let his Lekki run away. 

He had all the pieces, he was sure of it, he had sensed their presence in the Wild Woods just moments before. His Mutare must be somewhere else, or one must've actually survived. Yet the god knew that he always won, and he was to get both his Lekki and Mutare.

He stormed away, chasing after his Lekki, going completely oblivious to the pair of golden eyes that had been watching him the entire time from the shadows.

He stormed away, chasing after his Lekki, going completely oblivious to the pair of golden eyes that had been watching him the entire time from the shadows

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A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Greetings and welcome

Firstly I'd like to thank those of you who have voted and commented on my chapters and I hope you guys know how much that means to me!

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