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"Their shadows intertwined dancing to a different beat

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"Their shadows intertwined dancing to a different beat."

Lukas crossed the clearing, before the god stopped short, releasing his grip on Dai's wrist, glancing around the camp. All of the brightly colored tents looked the same to him. He had no idea where he was even supposed to be taking Dai. Said Mutare was looking at Lukas, amusement in his golden eyes. 

Lukas had to wonder just how drunk Dai really was if he could still make that smug expression. Hopefully, he was drunk enough so that his memories of the night would become a blur. Yet, knowing Lukas's luck, Dai would be able to recall every last detail.

"Greetings Fire God and Golden Eyes," an elderly voice called as an ancient woman approached Lukas and Dai. She approached them slowly, but that didn't stop Dai from wrapping his arms around the vagabond, a stupid grin on his face.

"Danna!" Dai said, laughter lacing his tone.

"So the Ice Prince lives up to his reputation as being the worst drinker in the history of the Wild Woods," she commented. "Although I must admit, I like you better drunk. You have a nice smile," she told him, before turning to Lukas. "It seems your friend has enough sense to take you to bed before it gets any worse," she said, her tone suddenly frigid.

Lukas was beginning to feel as though the vagabonds didn't like him.

"Not you too," Dai wined. "I'm fine. I just want to stay up a little longer. I haven't been here in twenty... thirty years," he complained.

Danna let out a slight chuckle herself. "You may always return," she said. "But for now you need rest. You are still injured, no?" she asked.

"Yes," Lukas said, cutting in. "Where should I take him?" he asked.

"I already said I was fine," Dai snapped.

"Well, then you clearly lied," Lukas said.

Danna let out another good-natured chuckle before she pointed at one of the numerous small tents. This one, however, seemed a tad bit smaller than the others and was the only tent made from a lush golden cloth that matched Dai's eyes. "That tent is yours, as it always is, Golden Eyes," she said.

Lukas gave a curt nod to Danna, before grabbing Dai by the wrist and once again dragging him towards the small tent. It was on the outer edges of the camp, set up further away from the fire as if the vagabonds weren't expecting to use it. 

The inside of the tent wasn't much better. It was completely dark, with just a simple mat laid out on the ground with a small purple flower resting on the pillow. Lukas had no idea what the flower meant, but he carefully moved it out of the way and placed it on the ground beside the mat. Dai sat on the mat, muttering under his breath and looking slightly annoyed.

"Are you going to be okay, now?" Lukas asked, cautiously.

"I'm still fine if that's what you're asking," Dai said. Lukas nodded once more before he began to close the entrance of the tent. "Lukas, wait!" Dai chirped, causing the god to freeze. Slowly Lukas pulled open the entrance to the tent again to see Dai looking at him, eyes wide with something between fear and desperation.

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