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"Everything was big and bright

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"Everything was big and bright."

Dai followed Lukas down them, spinning around in awe.

"It's so... massive," Dai, looking up at the roof, which was at least forty-five feet high. It was as though the halls were built for giants. Some of the doors were over twenty feet tall and he was absolutely dwarfed by everything. Though, Dai wasn't the tallest Mutare either. He'd been born short and stayed short as the other grew tall.

"That's because some of my siblings like to walk around in their pure form," Lukas said.

"Pure form?" Dai asked.

Lukas faltered in his step, turning back with that arrogant smirk of his. "Do I know something that you don't, expert of magic?" he asked.

"Nevermind," Dai said, rolling his eyes. He did want to know, by not enough to lower his pride. Lukas looked hurt, scowling and crossing his arms.

"It's when we grow," he said. "I'm twelve and a half feet tall."

"Oh," Dai said. "So you're a runt."

That earned him a flick. It was devoid of any real anger. Just a playful and childish gesture of annoyance. "Stay close and keep your head down," Lukas said. "If we want to return to the mortal world, then we have to leave through the Gates," he said as they turned the corner. Dai pulled the hood of his cloak up and allowed its shadows to provide him comfort.

Lukas led the way. He knew the way. Dai wondered how many times Lukas had used the Gate to go to the mortal world and then bring death upon Dai's people. How many times he had left the heavens to do wicked. 

They turned another corner and this time came face to face with none other than Victoria and another god. Lukas froze, his body tensing, but the other two gods didn't seem to notice them. Lukas pressed Dai back around the corner as loud voices echoed through the vastly empty halls.

"-care, Victoria," the male god said. From Dai's singular glimpse of him, he had a large belly on him and tired eyes. "Let Lukas ran around with his little pets. Mother said I was going to be the one who found Light." He sounded annoyed. "There's no rush. The stars foresaw it all. The stars have never been wrong before."

"Yes, they have," Victoria snarled. "When Light got killed the stars said that the Dark Master would not kill her. They were wrong then. They could be wrong again," she said, spinning around. "You know our decisions sway the future."

The man sighed. "Lukas is just a kid with a pointy stick. He won't be able to do any harm," he said. "And he knows better than to try to take something of mine."

The Rose Book was not his. Anger flared inside of Dai as Lukas held him against the wall before turning and doubling around. Dai, tail flicking, did not follow. Instead, he walked straight past the two gods, not turning his head. He could feel their gaze on him. Feel their eyes through the thick fabric of his cloak.

"One of yours?" the man asked.

"Dai!" Lukas snapped, walking down the hall. The gods gaze turned to him. Lukas stopped short, opening his mouth before closing it again. "Why hello there Victoria, Terrin," he said. "I didn't see you there." He forced a smile and grabbed Dai's arm. My familiar and I are just going on a little walk to the... training room."

"Lukas," the man, Terrin said. "The training room is that way." He gestured.

Lukas was still smiling as Dai wrenched his arm free. He didn't understand why Lukas didn't just walk past his older siblings. He didn't understand where that arrogant smirk went. He didn't understand anything.

Until a third voice sounded.

"What's going on here?" she asked. Her voice was familiar and Dai's heart froze in his throat as he turned to see the Balance Goddess standing in long white robes and matching white hair, tied back in two thick braids. Dark skinned and silver-eyed she was the picture of perfection and Dai had to resist every urge to stain the heavens with her blood.

This goddess was the mastermind behind it all.

"Mother," all three gods said, falling to one knee. Only Dai stood and that was against Lukas's tug on his arm, trying to force him down.

The Balance Goddess's eyes were on him instantly. "Oh," she said. "Did Lukas find a stray while he was out?" she asked, looking carefully at Dai. Her words were laced with an accent as she spoke words that were not of her first tongue.

"Nixy vorst sei," Dai hissed in the language only she would know.

His first tongue.

Her first tongue.

Something so ancient each was staring at the other. Everything clicked in her mind as she began to laugh in an instant. "By the stars," she hummed. "Aren't you a long way from home then." She then turned. "Victoria. Teach Lukas how to control his toys," she instructed.

"Yes, Mother."

And then she was gone and Lukas and Dai were actually being dragged to the training room. This was going to be a long day.

 This was going to be a long day

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can't stop, won't stop, love my cliffhangers

but in other news....


like guys. guys. do y'all know how cool that is? an artist actually went out of their way to create something because they liked my book????


if you've drawn fanart and want to be featured please email it to me at mallycat504@gmail

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if you've drawn fanart and want to be featured please email it to me at  

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