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"Dawn of a quest

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"Dawn of a quest."

Dai felt exhausted. He looked up at the god with pure rage burning within his eyes, everything that had just happened to him passing through his mind, again and again. He glared at Lukas before getting to his feet, his throat burning as he did so.

Finally, he tore his gaze from Lukas, refocusing it on the wall littered with deadly swords. Lukas followed Dai's gaze, yet before Lukas could process what the Mutare was thinking, Dai took off, sprinting for one of the swords that hung on the wall.

Lukas, however, grasped the back of the Mutare's hood, pulling it down, and the Mutare along with it. Dai winced as his head was slammed against the stone floor, and he began to cough, the world spinning as he tasted blood, his blood. 

Yet, as he stared upwards, he saw one thing. The smirk of the Fire God who was the one to blame for all of this. Dai immediately knew that he hated him. He hated Lukas. Yet, there was nothing he could do about it. He had already used too much magic at once. He was a fool for trying to challenge a god.

Lukas, however, just kept smirking as he looked at the utterly defeated Mutare, and, for the first time, got a glimpse of his face. His skin was a darkened caramel color, lighter than Lukas's but still several shades darker than any Lekki's. His lips were slightly agape so that the Mutare's fangs were just barely viable. 

Freckles dotted his cheeks like stars, uncalculated constellations. His hair was a dark and wild brown, falling in long a braid down his back and shoulders, with twin cat-like ears sprouting from his skull. A matching tail lay fluffed up and curled around his legs as his golden eyes shone with a certain degree of helplessness.

"You are not going to kill yourself," Lukas ordered, his voice deep and slow. "Now, get up. We have lingered here far too long," he said and Dai slowly picked himself up eyeing the swords that still hung off the wall. His shoulder burned from where Lukas had stabbed him, a lingering effect of the curse, and all Dai wanted was for the pain to go away. 

Eventually, it did. It was a cooling sensation, like a frozen wind on a hot summer day. It rushed through Dai's body freeing himself from any pain. He looked around the shop and realized just how messed up it was, and he gave Harac an apologetic grin.

"I apologize for the mess, Harac," Dai said, dipping his head to the ancient man who sat with his back against the wall near Honey, brown eyes still filled with fear as he looked from Dai to Lukas. "Can Harac tell Lord Convel that I have simply died?" Dai asked, and Harac nodded his head, too stunned to speak.

"Honey, get up!" Lukas snapped at the Lekki girl who jumped to her feet. Dai's hood was still down and his golden eyes were studying Honey carefully, as Honey stared back, her own chocolate eyes laced with curiosity. Lukas had crossed to the other side of the store and was sticking his head out the door. "Both of you! Get over here, now!" Lukas snapped. 

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