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"The sound of others grew louder with every heartbeat

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"The sound of others grew louder with every heartbeat."

If they were lucky, the Mutare would go their way and the small band of travelers would pass by without a problem. Of course, luck had never been on Honey's side, to begin with.

Which was exactly why instead of it being another traveler or an innocent Mutare headed to sell goods in Muurin, it was at least two dozen soldiers hauling two massive carts filled with weapons. Leading the soldiers was a tall, somewhat lanky Mutare, perched upon a large chestnut stallion. 

He wore the traditional armor, with a silver half moon on its chest plate, but he definitely wasn't like the other commander, Mutare or otherwise, Honey had seen. It was something that glistened in his dark eyes, a sort of frozen power that sent chills shooting down Honey's spine.

So when he turned, eyes glaring at the three travelers, one asleep and the other two not meeting his gaze, he held out his hand and his soldiers moved to block the cart's path. The cart stopped next to the Mutare commander and for the first time, Lukas turned to face him, pretending to widen his eyes with surprise. 

The lanky Mutare saw right through it. He could sense that this...creature before him had never been afraid before in his life. Yet the other, the female, he saw real fear in her chocolate eyes. More than the usual fear a Mutare felt when speaking to someone of his power.

Instead, in the eyes of the female was the raw and primal fear of her life.

"Name and rank," the Mutare snapped, making Honey flinch from the dark and demanding tone he used. The Mutare was growing increasingly certain that these two were not Mutare. He pegged the female as a Lekki, that much was obvious, but the male...was it possible that he was a god? He seemed to have the arrogance of one.

"My name is Lukas and this is my sister, Honey," the male answered, his voice low. The Mutare couldn't help but notice the female blink as if to hide her surprise. Was she surprised this Lukas introduced her...or perhaps she was surprised at being addressed as the male's sister.

"Rank?" the Mutare asked, slightly annoyed at having to repeat himself to these Mutare imposters.

Lukas skimmed his brain, trying to recall all of the Mutare ranks. Was it the Seventh Ranks that were civilians? Or maybe it was Sixth Ranks? Lukas would have prepared to have simply passed by in peace, but now it seemed as though these Mutare were looking for a fight. Not that Lukas minded that much anyways.

"Eighth Ranks, the both of us," Honey said when she noticed Lukas had remained silent to the Mutare's question. "We are returning from Muurin after selling all of our goods," she said, lying through her teeth and with a slight smile. 

Honey was just thankful she could recall Dai explaining each of the ranks to her. Eighth Ranks were civilians who lived off of selling goods. Hopefully, this Mutare would buy her little lie. The Mutare might have if it hadn't sounded vague. That and the male's face hadn't betrayed his shock. Yet the Mutare still smiled then turned to his soldiers.

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