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Grandmother is lost now.

Her breath tangles with gods.

We make ruins with every step.

But we dare not turn back now.

There is a place for us.

And we will find it, no matter if

We must march forevermore.

~Holy Texts of Amaryllis


"Honey roused with ash in her lungs

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"Honey roused with ash in her lungs."

She sat up and coughed before gulping down a large portion of what remained of the water rations. The sun was just breaking through the thicket of pine, casting the mountains before them in glittering light. Lukas was still sleeping, snoring loudly, but Dai was already up, if he went to sleep at all. His legs were crossed and he was writing in that journal of his. 

When he heard Honey string, though, he snapped the journal shut and returned it to the impossible folds of shadows which made up his cloak. He turned his head to look at her, the ash thick in his hair. When it was dappled by the early morning light, it almost made it seem as if Dai himself was covered in frost.

"Hey," Dai said.

"Morning," Honey said, drinking some more water before rummaging through their food supplies. There wasn't much, just a bruised apple. Honey bit into it anyway. "You ready to finally find this stupid book?"

Dai's expression darkened as he turned his head back to the towering pines of the Wild Woods. "If we live."

"Why do you have to be so grim?" Honey asked. "You know-"

"He's right, you know." The sudden male voice took Honey off guard. She hadn't been expecting it so it caused her to flinch and jump backwards. Then when she did see the figure, it did nothing to lessen the terror building in the root of her stomach as she stared up at the impossibly tall man.

He'd come from nowhere. Despite his size, he was silent when he moved and wore rich red clothing. Something like the color of wine... or blood. His skin was the color of the earth, deep and rich, but he had silver eyes that spoke only of the moon's domain. His black hair was long, styled in braids and it fell around his shoulders in complete perfection. He wore a smile, this thin and false looking thing.

Dai got to his feet. He didn't even seem the slightest bit phased by the sudden appearance of this man. Lukas rolled over, still soundly asleep. The man stepped over the god, not even batting an eye as a sword appeared in his hand - made of silver steel and with the moon carved into it, just below the blue of the hilt.

This sword - this sword Honey had seen Dai summon from shadows just like that - dangled precariously over the still sleeping Lukas's form.

"I'm not going to let you hurt my master," Dai said, summoning his twin ice blades.

THE ROSE BOOK // A NOVELWhere stories live. Discover now