Part One

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When I awoke, I could feel that I was laid down flat on my stomach. Blinking my eyes open I was met with darkness. Quickly pushing myself up by my hands to get a better view of my surroundings but letting out a hiss as pain erupted through my bones. I had a massive headache, all my body throbbed and my throat felt like a desert. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out for but it seemed like ages.

Clamping my teeth together like my father always taught me I pushed myself up to my feet, reframing from seething in pain. Once I was finally stable on my feet, I took a hesitant step forward wobbling a little trying to get a better look at my surroundings.

It was too dark to see but my eyes picked up on outlines. I could see the metal bars surrounding me, the cage wasn't big enough to stretch my arms out, let alone lay down properly. I didn't know who he thought he was coming into my pack and kidnapping me!

I tried to call out to my wolf to see if she could contact anybody but I got no response from her. I tried again and again until my head started thumping in pain. Bringing my hand up I massaged the side of my head trying sooth the pain but it wasn't working with millions of thoughts running through it.

Where was my wolf? How long had it been? How's Freddie? What's happened to my pack? Did the rouge take them onto his side or slaughter them all like animals? And mostly, where the hell am I and how am I going to get out?

Eventually I slumped down the cage wall again, it was impossible to escape when I couldn't even see my surroundings. Laying my head in between my legs, I stayed slumped there wishing for a plan.

Hours passed before I heard any noise. It started out faint but as it got closer I realised it was footsteps. Quickly pushing myself up using the bars I waited for the asshole leader to show his face. I knew he was taking his time on purpose trying to make me scared but I didn't care that I was only human, strength didn't matter it was strategy. Shifting at the age of 6 into a white wolf my father realised I was special and trained me good.

When the door finally opened I got my first actual look at the room. There were many cages like mine but they were all empty, the walls were all black, there were no windows but there was another door at the other end of the room. Casting my gaze to the stiletto figure making his way down the stairs I realised it wasn't the leader. It was that nasty looking one that grabbed my shoulder yesterday, he must be his second in command. My eyes cast to the tray in his hand, as he got closer I realised it had a piece of mouldy bread and a glass of dirty water. A grim expression took over my face, I may be thirsty but there's no way I'm drinking that.

As he got the the bottom he stood in front of my cell holding the tray out for me to reach out and take the cup and bread. Without hesitation I picked up the cup, throwing the content over him. His expression went from smug to angry in 0.1 seconds. I let out a chuckle as he threw the tray down, getting out his key to open my cage. I realised this was my chance to get the heck out of here so I had to time it right. As he threw the cage door open I watched him take a step forward. I anticipated his next move before it even happened, I leaned back watching his fist swing missing my face by a centimetre. Unfortunately I didn't see his other fist that hit me straight in the stomach, I instantly leaned forward and he grabbed my shoulders lifting me up and bringing us practically face to face.

"You fucking bitch!" He spat, I instantly grimaced wanting him to let go so I could rub it off. Realising I only had one option and it was going to hurt like a bitch, I braced myself before swinging my head back and smashing our heads together. A wave of pain shot through my head but his grip loosened enough for me to slip out. With him momentarily distracted I jammed my elbow into his ribs and brought my knee up hitting him straight in the balls. He collapsed on the floor and I quickly jumped over him sprinting up the steps and out the door, wiping his spit off my face on the way.

As I got out of the basement doors I saw the two guards blocking the door, I mentally cursed at myself before picking up my pace. I knew they were faster then me I just had to make up for it in the corners. As I went flying down the halls I looked out for anything that looked like a front door, as I came round a corner I saw a staircase with only 5 stairs leading to the front door. I leaped in that direction, clearing the stairs and being on the straight to the front door. As I was a metre away the door opened and there stood the rouge leader. I stopped dead in my tracks, hearing the other two stop behind me. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to confirm my ears and I saw them standing on either side of me, surrounding me.

I looked back at the leader. He was the only one blocking my way outside, I had to try. Knowing I was going to regret it later I brought my fist up aiming at his face. Inches before it hit him, he caught my wrist in a vice like grip. He tightened his grip until I was sure he was going to break my wrist, I tried my hardest to keep the pain off my face gritting my teeth. Fortunately he let let go just before it broke. I looked down at it, seeing a purple bruise already forming.

"You're a tough little pup, aren't ya?" He chuckled. "I'll fix that."

He threw his fist straight at my chin, I tried to block but he was too fast. His second fist came down on my ribs breaking at least one. Then he grabs my bruised wrist, dragging me back towards the cells. I tried to get out of his grip but every time I tried he just tightened his grip, making it near enough impossible not to cry out in pain.

As we got down to the cells, he didn't stop my cage. I saw the bitchy beta still there holding his balls but when he saw where he was dragging me, he pushed himself up off the floor following us wish a smirk. The leader led me to the locked door, pulling a key out of his pocket and opening it. It wasn't till then I saw whats was inside and I wished I hadn't.

It walls were black, the same as the other room. Except there were blood stains everywhere. On the wall were chains, made of the same silver as the cells and on the other end of the room was a table with every torture weapon you could think of. As they saw me eyeing the table a full blown smile took over their faces.

Leading me to the walls, they locked me backwards so my face was to the wall. I felt as he ripped my hello kitty shirt at the back, leaving my back bare.

"Hey you pedophile! You better replace that," I shouted.

He let out a low chuckle. "I think your shirt is the least of your problems girly," he taunted.

I heard his footsteps, getting further away as he walked towards the table. I knew what was going to happen, I had my eyes squeezed shut waiting for it. As he stopped by the table, I heard him pick up his weapon and when I heard the whip make contact with the wall as a warning I knew I was right.

I didn't have to wait long, seconds later it made contact with my back. I bit my lip hard making sure not to cry out. He did it over and over until I was sure my back was tainted red, I could taste the metallic taste of my blood in my mouth. The whips had stop, I released my lip savouring the peace but when it struck my back once again I wasn't prepared, I screamed making them both chuckle.

"Not so hard now, are you sweetheart?" He laughed.

Next thing I know, I feel a pinch and everything goes black.

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