Part Six

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My head was pounding, I tried to open my eyes but they felt too heavy. Feeling in my body was slowly coming back, including all the pain. My ribs were on fire, my wrist throbbing.

The thing that confused me though was my other hand, it felt like someone was holding it? Surely no one would hold my hand, unless it was the perverted guard. I tried moving my hand out of its grip but it only tightened with a gasp.

Who the hell was in my cell? Forcing my eyes open, I quickly shut them again when the bright light blinded me. When did the basement get so bright?

"Open your eyes again please," a deep sexy voice spoke making me flinch. I didn't know who he was but he was something to do with that bastard.

Slowly opening my eyes again I saw that I was in a white room. What the hell? Looking around I saw a blood bag hanging above me and a cast covering my wrist, the rest of my body was hidden under the cover so I didn't know the condition of it.

Next I turned my attention to my hand seeing another hand dripping it. My eyes widen a bit trying again to pull my hand out but to no use. I followed up the arm of the person clutching to me to see a very attractive man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The power radiating off him let me know he was an alpha but I didn't understand why he was looking at me softly. I yanked my hand hard this time, finally getting it out of his grip. Quickly sitting up it takes everything in me not to wince, the pain in my ribs worsens but I wouldn't let that stop me from moving.

A hand grabs my shoulder trying to push me down but I struggle to get away from it, jumping off the bed also making the wires rip out my arm so he can't reach me anymore. The pain it causes was enough to send me down to the floor if I hadn't grabbed the wall for support.

"Please lay down, you're hurt." The alpha states. I felt like shouting 'no shit Sherlock' but it would only get me hurt more. Instead I just stared at him with my emotionless face, making a frown appear on his.

"I'm Damon, alpha of the Red Moon pack." He explains proudly but I just continue staring.

"Do you want the doctor?" He hesitantly ask, again no change. I'd hoped he would get the point sooner or later but he continued to ask questions.

"What's your name?" He murmured softly, when he got no reaction this time I think he finally got the point. "Um, I'm going to get the doctor to check you over quickly. Don't go anywhere!"

As he walked out the room I gave it a couple of seconds before following, I didn't want to be here when he got back, doctor or not. I looked down the hall trying to find a way out, walking the opposite way he went I came across a fire exit. I quickly walked out making my way towards the woods. I knew I couldn't get out of his territory before he caught me but if I climbed a high enough tree maybe I'd be able to hide.

As I made it to the woods I walked a couple of metres into there before looking around for a easy tree to climb. I was in a hospital gown with my butt hanging out but I didn't care. I spotted a tree with loads of branches before deciding to climb it. It hurt like hell don't get me wrong especially with broken ribs and a wrist in a cast but I done it never the less. As I got about 20 feet up I sat on a branch as I heard the familiar roar of a wolf.

I kept my fingers crossed that he didn't find me, God knows the kind of trouble I'd be in if he found me up here. Seconds later I watched as a midnight black wolf emerged from the hospital running towards my direction. Straight through the opening in the trees I took he kept running not stopping by my tree. He obviously thought I had tried to run away thankfully. Standing up from my branch I decided that I needed to get off this tree before he tracked my scent back here. I knew the best way to do it was to jump from tree to tree but I didn't think my body was prepared for that. Giving it a try anyway I slowly started walking down the branch till it was getting too skinny for me to stand on, now I was about 2feet from the next trees branch, the only option was to jump.

Taking a deep breath I did just that, jumping to the next branch and grabbing into the trunk for support. I done this quite a few times till I was at least 10 trees across. Deciding this was enough until they stopped looking for me I planted myself down on the highest branch I could and waited for him to stop looking.

Of course I didn't expect him to get half the pack out on a search party. I watched as at least a dozen wolves ran into the woods hunting me down. The beta wolf I had seen before slowly followed my scent, making sure he didn't loose track of it. I was now thankful that I did move trees. I watched as he trotted up to the original tree I climbed, sniffing the bark and trying to search for me up the tree. I had a sudden need to get further away, I didn't feel far enough from him but I knew if I tried he'd hear me so hoping for the best I stayed put.

The beta walked at a slugs pace looking up all the trees, he was getting closer to me and I was practically begging for him to not find me. Unfortunately luck was never on my side as a minute later his eyes connect with mine, I kept my face emotionless but on the inside I was screaming and crying like a little girl.

The beta howled loud letting everyone know where I was, deciding they were going to see me anyway now I stood up not caring if they saw my butt and started sliding down the branch again and jumping to the next tree. Every time I jumped it hurt a little more. It was getting harder and harder to breath but I'd rather die then give myself up. I had my brother to think about and saving him was my first priority.

Seconds later the alphas below me in human form again. Quickening my pace I jump to the next one nearly falling off but catching myself with my bad wrist. I hastily pulled myself up, getting ready for the next jump.

"Stop! You're going to hurt yourself more! What if you fall out?" Damon shouted up the tree but I didn't even spare him a glance I just kept going. Five trees later I look down to see a really pissed off alpha.


Fuck, I'm going to get hurt. I stare down at him with the same emotionless face waiting to see if it's a threat or a promise. When I see him grabbing the branch I knew I had to pick up my pace. Not caring about being accurate anymore I leap to the next tree and then the next, barely making it on but hoping to put more distance between us. I look back to see him half way up. I throw myself on to the next one just catching myself before I slipped. Doing the same another five times I try making the sixth one but slipping this time. I fall about 2ft before getting hold of a branch with my bad hand and hauling myself up. When I looked behind me I saw him only two trees away. I don't know how he was that fast but I wasn't letting him catch me. I leapt three more times till I was on a tree with nowhere else to go except back. My heart picked up as I saw him jump onto my one. Going to the end of a branch I look down seeing quite a fall but I knew I'd rather take that then go to him.

As he got on the same branch as me, he tried taking a step closer to me but I just looked down letting him know if he came any closer I'd jump. I saw pain fill his eyes, I almost felt bad.

"What have I done that's so bad that you have to jump out of a tree just to get away?" He whispers, taking a little step forward.

I hastily shook my head, letting him know even the tiniest step and I'd jump.

"Can you please come down? I was worried sick, I thought you'd left," he mumbled. Again I shook my head. He took another little step forward and I'm sure he figured out his mistake a second later.

'Goodbye cruel world' I thought before jumping off the tree.

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