Part Two

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I'd been here for months or at least that's what it seamed like.

I was curled up in a ball in the floor, dignity went out the window long ago. My body was in torture, cuts and bruises covered my skin, my ribs were broken and I'm sure I had a concussion. I was stick thin to the point that I was sure you could break my arm between two fingers.

They'd finally given me new clothes after letting me struggle with a broken top and some skimpy shorts. Instead now they've given me a plain grey jumper and tracksuit bottoms, just like they would in jail. They didn't want me to catch hyperthermia, how sweet.

I hadn't heard a word from my wolf since I'd got here. Everyday they put more wolvesbane in my system but I always hoped my wolf would fight extra hard to come back to me.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear the footsteps descending down the hall upstairs, it wasn't till the door opened that I realised but I didn't move. I didn't care about anything any of them had to offer. As he got closer the the bottom of the stairs I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, making sure he didn't see the slight movement but when I saw the figure in his arms it took everything in me to act nonchalant. It turns out I did care, especially when I could see her delicate body with bruises covering her. Her once brown wavy hair seamed flat and lifeless.

I stayed in my ball, not paying the slightest bit of attention to what he was doing. I knew if they figured out we got along they'd use it as a mind-game for me. I hoped they'd put her far away from me so I didn't have a chance to feel guilty for ignoring her but to my luck they opened the cell next to mine, forcefully throwing her in so her head was closest to me. Without sparing her a glance, he strolled back out the basement.

As soon as the door was closed I quickly sat up, giving her a once over. Considering I had been here for months I could see to a degree in the dark. She looked skinnier then the last time I saw her but that would be expected, considering her parents were killed in the battle too I'm sure she'd still be mourning their loss. At the age of 12 I knew she hadn't even shifted into her wolf yet, considering most people do when they turn 13. I was outraged that she'd been brought here.

Her parents were two of our best warriors and great friends with mine, from a young age we'd always been close friends. I knew she was a year younger then me and not a high rank but that didn't matter to our pack, we were all about loyalty.

I stared at her body for hours waiting for her to finally regain consciousness. When she finally began to shift about, I sat up a little straighter waiting to interfere before she freaks out. The last thing I need is for her to start yelling and letting everyone know that she is awake.

When her eyes flutter open I watch as she starts looking around panicked. I knew I had to speak now or else they'd be here in seconds.

"Shhh, calm down Syd." I croak out, my voice sounding nothing like mine but I knew she'd know by the nickname.

"Lil, is that you?" She whispers, snapping her face in my direction.

I slide my arm through the bars, brushing her hair in a soothing way. "It's me," I replied. "What are you doing here?"

"It's horrible back at the pack! After my parents died the first month I spent locked in my room, I didn't go out for food or water but eventually the 'alpha' comes to my room demanding for me to become a maid. He made me do loads of cooking and cleaning like the other children and if we didn't do it right we'd get beaten. I dealt with it for a couple of months but one day I went outside and they were trying to make Franky fight one of the rouges in wolf form for training, he'd only shifted a week ago and I could tell the rouge was out for his blood so I jumped in the way. I told the alpha that he's unfair and it isn't right to make him fight someone who's been a wolf barely a week, he tried to order me away telling me I'm going to regret it if I didn't. It made me mad I said what was he going to do? Bring me to where you was and hold me prisoner, as soon as the words left my lips it's like a lightbulb went off in his head! A sinister smile took over his face and he was like maybe I will, next thing I know I had a bunch of guys jumping on me knocking me out!" She explained.

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