Naked Maid

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The day started and Claude hadn't come out of his room for a while. The maids were worried.

Alexis: Do you think he's okay?

Anna: I don't know Probably sick or something.

Mey-Rin: Someone should check on him.

Hannah: I would say Sebastian, but where is he?

Anna: You don't know? He's still getting dressed. He woke up when we were leaving the room.

Hannah: Oh I see.

Claude comes down the stairs and walks into the kitchen.

Maids: Good morning Master.

Claude: Good morning. Where's Sebastian?

Alexis: He's still getting dressed.

Claude: I'll go check on him.

He walks towards the room and opens the door. He blushes he sees a naked Sebastian looking through the wardrobe.

Sebastian: I know it's here. Where is it?

Claude: S-Sebastian?

He looks over and quickly hides in the wardrobe when he sees Claude.

Sebastian: GET OUT YOU PERV!

He quickly leaves and slams the door.

Claude: It's not like I haven't seen him like that before, but I don't wanna seem like I'm creeping up on him.

Anna: You saw him naked?

Claude: Um, yeah.

Alexis: That's never good.

Claude: Have you done it before?

Mey-Rin: He almost killed Anna after that.

Anna: I know how to defend myself, but he came at me way too fast.

Claude: Do you think he's going to try and do that to me?

Hannah: Most likely. So watch out.

Claude: I will.

-Time Skip-

Sebastian was taking out the trash with Hannah. Claude was outside painting. Sebastian stared and saw Claude glance at him every few seconds.

Sebastian: Master?

Claude: Yes what is it?

Sebastian: What are painting?

Claude: You.

Sebastian: It better not be me naked.

Claude: Of course not. You're not naked right now are you?

Sebastian: No. Still! I'm not forgiving you for that!

Claude: Come on. I'm sorry! What will it take for you to forgive me?

Sebastian looks away and continues with his chore. Hannah walks over to Claude and looks at the painting. It was beautiful.

Hannah: Sebastian!

Sebastian: What is it Hannah?

He runs over and sees the painting. He blushes and quickly runs inside.

Hannah: It looks nice. I think he's going to forget this soon.

Claude: Yes of course.

-Time Skip-

Sebastian and Mey-Rin were sweeping around the mansion. They stopped when they heard a song. A song being played by a violin. It must've been Claude. Nobody else but Claude knew about that song. At least in the mansion.

He continued to play and Sebastian started to remember it. He performed it for Claude.

Sebastian felt his eyes water.

Mey-Rin: Are you okay? Sebastian?

He dropped the broom and ran to the maid's room.

Mey-Rin: Poor Sebastian.

-Time Skip-

Anna and Sebastian were talking outside.

Sebastian: I know he didn't do it on purpose. I just, for some reason, don't want to forgive him.

Anna: That's never a good reason. You should forgive him. You know that he didn't mean to so really, to get this over with, say you forgive him.

Sebastian: I plan to.

Anna: Good now let's change the subject.

What Sebastian didn't know was that Claude was standing in the doorway. He was definitely gonna be punished after this. Anna knew this which was why she brought the whole thing up. Her reward was being able to watch.

Claude: 'You got yourself into this. I'm gonna go hard on your ass until I've fully destroyed it.'

He pictured it.


Claude: You wanna cum so bad, don't you?


Claude: I won't let you until I know that I've wrecked your ass.

He gives Sebastian a hard thrust and he screams at the top of his lungs'

Claude looks down to find a bulge in his pants. He closes the door quietly and runs upstairs to take care of his little "problem".

-Time Skip-

Alexis and Sebastian were doing laundry.

Alexis: Are you sure that you don't want to forgive Master?

Sebastian: Yes.

Alexis: If you don't forgive...he won't be able to touch you inappropriately.

Sebastian: A-as if I wanted him to touch me like that.

Alexis: You won't get to hear him whisper in your ear. All those dirty words.

Sebastian: I o-only did it just to get him to shut up!

Alexis: You won't be able to kiss Master and feel his love.

Sebastian didn't respond.

Alexis: Sebastian?

Sebastian: I have to go!

He runs inside and immediately finds Claude.

Claude: Sebasti-

Sebastian: I'M SO SORRY! I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO ANGRY AT YOU! Please forgive me.

Claude: There's only one way. You must be punished. Since Anna let me hear what you had to say, she will watch. I'll love to see your face.

Sebastian: H-HUH!?

Claude: You just didn't feel like saying that you forgive me. You deserve punishment for that.

Sebastian: Y-yes Master.

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