The Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Everyday was a living hell for Sebastian, but he was able to spend those day chatting away with his spider friend that he had named Claude. He was having a conversation that had to do with the spider's name.

Sebastian: Why'd I name you Claude? Well, I don't know. I guess it's just because I miss him. You seem like a Claude to me though. For some reason, he always reminded me of a spider. Every time you try to kill them, they come back.

The spider crawls.

That wasn't very nice!

Sebastian looks up once again. This kept happening. Why did he still hear Claude's voice? Was he just so upset about Claude's death that he still heard his amazingly handsome voice?

Sebastian: Claude?


Sebastian: Is that you?

Of course!

Sebastian: Where are you?

I'm afraid I can't tell you that my dear. Just wait. The maids are capable.



Why didn't he think of that? The maids are still alive. There was also the Faustus family, but he doubted that they'd help.

-At The Mansion-

Anna: T-there we go. A-a-all...b-better.

She started to cry. Alexis' breath was ragged and at times she freaked out because she couldn't hear her breathing at all. She couldn't let her only family member die. She couldn't live without the one person who stood beside from the start.

Hannah: Anna!

The two other maids enter.

Anna: What is it?

Hannah: Where are Master and Sebastian?

Anna: Master was killed and Sebastian was taken.

Mey-Rin: Honestly, that would just mean that we don't have to be maids anymore since Master isn't here anymore.


The two other maids jumped.

Anna: You're saying that we should just abandon our jobs as maids!? I know you haven't been here as long as me or Alexis, but I know a few things. Sebastian is a little new, but I know something about him! He's sweet and cares for others! There are a few times where he can be stubborn, but he's still a good friend! Master may not be here anymore, but he was important. I wouldn't give up this job for the world! Most importantly, Alexis. She's stuck with me through thick and thin! I couldn't leave her like this! I need to pay her back by doing this for her! SO won't you do this with me?

Hannah and Mey-Rin hesitate, but decide to go with Anna.

Alexis: A-Anna?

Anna: Alexis! What is it?

Alexis: P-p-promise m-me that you'll...bring him back and...m-make me h-h-happy.

Anna: I swear I will. Just for you and the sake of all the other people who were close to him.

Alexis: T-thank you.

Anna smiles.

Anna: Just rest now. You need it.

-Time Skip-

Anna: I apologize, but I must have all of you leave, except for Emily.

Mrs.Faustus: Why exactly is that?

Anna: It's because I'll need Emily to comfort Alexis and I can't have you all here without a maids supervision.

Mia: We'll stay in the room.

Anna: I can't allow that. Now you heard me. Do as I have informed.

-At the cell-

Sebastian felt hunger growing on him. Ciel forgot to get Sebastian his food and he's been starving for two whole days. He couldn't call for him. Actually, it's not that he couldn't.

It's just that he wouldn't.

There was no way in that that nut job was going to be called Master. He grimiced at the very name. He had no master. Well, he only had one.

Claude Faustus.

The sneaky spider that stole his heart.

it reminded him of a nice little song.

Sebastian: The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.

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