Mahogany Baxter

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Six Months Later

Me and Trayvonte have really been spending a lot of time together getting to know each other and having a good ass time getting to know one another. I was still staying with him and me and Destiny have actually been hanging out considering she was my first real friend other than my home girl back at home in Dallas Tosha whom put you in the mind of Tinashe.

Anyways, I was out and about at the mall shopping for a few little outfits to wear back to school when I heard someone calling my name I turned around to see some brown skin girl causing me to raise my eyebrow cause I was trying to figure out how in the world she knew my name.

I stood there momentarily as I waited for her to come closer as she stood in front of me then said,

"Oh my gosh Mahogany it's been forever since we saw each other my name is Jordyn we went to grade school back in Dallas but I moved I believe in the second or third grade" she says to me with this bright smile planted on her face.

I stared at her for a while as I rubbed my chin trying to figure out exactly whom she was causing her to laugh as she said,

"Let me show you an old picture of me maybe that'll help you out some mama's" she says to me causing me to nod my head as she showed me an old picture of her causing me to smile as I pulled her into a hug.

"Oh my gosh Jordyn look atchu wow you've glo'd up for real mama's how have you been where did you move to?" I asked her pulling away from the hug.

"Girl, I've been good I can't complain and I moved to South Carolina to go stay with my mother once my father got locked up for something he didn't commit but he's out now and doing well which is why I'm back in Atlanta I've missed this place more than anything" she says to me with a smile.

"Well, you missed it and I hate this place I can't wait to get the fuck up out of here and either head back to my other home in Dallas or somewhere far away from this hell hole." I simply state as I shook my head.

"Aww, why mama's I just got here" she says with disappointment written on her face.

"Girl, too much pain and bad memories" I say with a sigh.

"Well, I'mma be here for a while we got time to catch up give me your number and I'll hit you up sometimes" she says pulling out her phone and unlocking it.

I placed my number into her phone as we hugged each other one last time then she went her separate way causing me to go back shopping while in the midst of shopping for school I heard someone clear their throat behind me causing me to turnaround to see Tabria and her sidekicks behind me I rolled my eyes then shook my head then went back to shopping found the outfits I wanted then made my way over towards the counter paid for them then made my way out the shop then made my way towards my next destination as I pulled my phone out then sent a text to Trayvonte to see where he was at.

Moments later I could hear Tabria and her sidekicks in behind me and I was slowly beginning to get annoyed with these hoes because I was on the verge of getting ready to murk all of their asses.

I shook my head as I made my way into Journey's to find me a couple pair of shoes to rock with my outfits I continued to search around until I found what I wanted then paid for those as well then went into a couple more shops then made my way outside towards my white and gold Cadillac Fleetwood that was customized just for me that Trayvonte had got me cause he got tired of me walking and taking the bus everywhere although sometimes he took me to school.

Anyways, I hit the alarm on my car then popped the trunk as I put my bags inside then decided to drop by Zaxby's to grab me and Tray a bite to eat.

While in the midst of getting ready to get in my car I could hear Tabria calling out my name I rolled my eyes then turned around as I said,

"The fuck do you want Tabria damn?" I say folding my arms as I looked at her with no interest whatsoever on my face.

"Damn, chill I just wanted to say that I'm sorry alright I know we probably won't ever be friends or nothing but I just wanted to apologize I don't know what these other girls tagged along with me for but I know I wanted to apologize to you can we shake hands on it?" She asked me causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"You want to apologize to me wow that's a big step but how do I know I can trust you though Tabria cause you've kinda made my life a living hell growing up" I say kinda precautious not sure I could really trust her or not.

"I'll tell you what I'll show you better than I can tell you alright" she says to me as she extended her hand out to me I slowly stepped towards her then shook her hand as she smiled then said.

"You won't regret it I promise" she says walking off.

"Have a good day" she says to me as I simply nodded my head.

"Yeah, you have a good day as well" I simply said then walked over towards my car then hopped in crunk my car up then sped out the lot with a million and one damn things running through my head as I wondered what the fuck Tray would have to say once I told him this shit once I got home.

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