Hide and Seek

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I was feeling it again. That nervous little excitement which always set in just before a show. We had an hour before curtain call and I had already dressed myself in my white leotard. I pulled my hair into a ponytail as Marissa slowly straightened a few strands at a time, undoing my mediocre work. We were still up for a game of hide and seek, but told all of our dancers and backup singers to get dressed before doing so. Our hairstylist and makeup artist was still out sick and I wasn't looking forward to getting myself together.

"I can't believe we're actually going to be running around this arena. Don't you have a meet and greet today?" Marissa slowly pulled more hair into her hands as I studied her through the mirror.

"It's not until after the show. Are you done yet?"

"Give me a second. Besides, who's doing your makeup?"

"I was hoping you would. I'm not a fan of Selena being that close to me right now." Just the thought of her from two days ago brought warmth to my skin. I could remember how close she was to me, her breath playing across my lips. I didn't need to be near her. But I had to admit, it was a welcoming pain that held onto me.

"All done." Marissa clapped, just as I faced her.

"I'll round everyone up. We'll meet on stage in about ten minutes." I left quickly, shouting out to everyone I saw about our game of hide and seek. I made it through one of the back hallways until I spotted Robert near Selena's door.

"You forgot your shoes." He signaled towards me as I ignored him.

"Why are you always creeping outside of her door? First her tour bus and now this. What are you doing, stalking her?" I slowly made my way closer towards the man as he chuckled.

"Yes, I'm stalking a woman I'm on tour with. What, she can't be my friend?"

"I never said she couldn't. But you guys haven't really said anything for weeks on end to one another and now this?" I crossed my arms as Robert towered over me. He faintly smiled, raising his hand to touch my cheek as I swatted him away. How dare he act as if we were civil towards one another. Yes, I was going back and forth between wanting him near and wanting him gone. But it didn't mean he could act all gentle with me.

"You're so adorable when you're upset."

"I'm not upset." I decided not to dwell on the situation at the moment and informed Robert of our game before I knocked on Selena's door. Now unlike her, I wasn't going to storm inside and be caught within a compromising situation. So I waited. Robert hadn't left, standing just a few feet away from me with this cocky smile on his face. After the second knock I faced him. "Where is she?"

"She went to hair and makeup." He smirked.

      "You couldn't have told me that a few second ago?"

      He smiled, exposing his pearly whites as I walked over towards him.

"Thanks for letting me make an ass out of myself."

"Anytime." He saluted, heading towards the stage as I scoffed and dragged myself back towards the greenroom. The brunette was no where in sight, but I did happen to find my knee boots under my previous chair. I quickly began zipping one boot on after the other before the door opened behind me. I faced the noise, as Taylor and Selena presented themselves, giggling at some nonsense I assume. My chest ached a bit, but it wasn't because of the brunette. Taylor practically took my place as Selena's best friend without me even putting up a fight. I was now in limbo somewhere between being her friend and me personally wanting more. There were things I just couldn't talk about with Selena anymore, and she was one of those topics. Taylor had seemed to fill the space I had left open.

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