He Knows

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~ Demi ~

     To say I was surprised by Marissa popping up on my bus in Houston would be like me saying what goes up never comes down. I had showered and changed not too long ago, but still found myself scrubbing my skin. The visible ink still running across my arms as I complained and scrubbed, and scrubbed and complained.

     "I can't believe you let her draw on you." My friend giggled.

     "I was tired." I muttered, studying Marissa as she happily crossed her arms, shaking her head while smirking at me. "That's creepy."

     "I'm soaking in the atmosphere. Besides, finding you two all cuddled up was slightly sickening, but cute all at the same time." Marissa giggled at her own statement as I narrowed my eyes on her. Something loud echoed from outside as I faced my friend. She shrugged. If I would have known Nick was going to burst into my room, I would of prepared myself for his inquisitive questions.

     "Demi..." he spotted Marissa, his voice filling the space. "Why are you covered in smudged marker?" Nick shook his head trying to focus on whatever matter it was he came over for. "You're definitely the reason Selena's been acting weird."

     "Uh, excuse you?" I couldn't pinpoint what could possibly happen between the past twenty minutes and now that made him come to whatever conclusion this was.

     "Ignoring me is one thing. Pushing me away is another. But she would always tell me she loved me. Always." I studied my friend as Marissa joined my side, the both of us watching Nick pace.

     "So what did I do again?" I continued to move a rag against my skin, not really thinking much.

     "I don't know exactly. But Selena is definitely acting weird. And you're the only possible reason. Whenever she spends time with you now she comes back avoiding me and..."

     "Don't blame me for your relationship problems." I call back at him.

     "Be truthful with me." Nick had stood in the doorway as I faced him, not really trying to entertain his little tantrum. "Is there something going on between you and Selena? And don't tell me it's all in my head, because when the two of you are together, things seem to change."

     "So because she's not acknowledging you and I'm the bisexual in the whole situation, I must of done something?" I crossed my arms this time, standing tall as I worked my eyes against my friend. He was tense and upset. Lying to him wasn't going to help our situation, but neither was telling the truth. It wasn't my truth to tell, not completely at least.

     "I just need to know that I'm not crazy." His voice sounded shaky, as if he was either stressed or broken. I didn't want to cause either.

     "Then how about you tell me the truth about Miley." There was a second when my heart pounded against my chest, but calmed down just enough for me to snap back at the man in front of me.

     "Are you accusing me of something?"

     "You're clearly accusing me of something." I doubt I was intimidating considering the smudged up colors running against my skin. Marissa sighed, wanting to say something to us I was sure of it, but stayed silent.

     "I have a right to have my suspicions." He barked.

     "Oh really?" I tilted my head annoyed.

     "You and Selena never hung out or even had sleepovers. But for the past two nights, she's been here, with you."

     "You were the one who wanted us to spend time together." This conversation was getting annoying and pointless. I had no idea what triggered Nick and didn't want to find out. "If you have something to say, then say it."

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