Missing and Meddling

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Lacey's POV

"Hey!" Summer said as she burst through front door. I looked at her and laughed. "I'm glad you know how to knock." I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at me and jumped onto the couch. John Stephen came in behind her with Baylor in tow. "Hey guys!" I said, smiling and walking over to hug them. I quickly hugged John Stephen, knowing if I hugged him for too long Summer would be mad.

But the fact is that I missed him. Not just him but all three of them. Summer, Baylor and John Stephen. I hated not seeing them everyday. I wanted to go back to UA but I just couldn't. Not with Cole there. After hugging John Stephen, I turned to  Baylor. I smiled at him and before I had the chance hug him, his arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

"Hi," I whispered as I slid my arms around his neck. "God, I missed you." He breathed. I laid my head against his shoulder and his hand left my waist and gently laid against the back of my head, one arm still around my middle. "I missed you too, Baylor." I said. He pulled away from me and we held each other's gaze for a few moments before Summer broke the silence.

"So, how have you been?" She asked. I pulled away from Baylor's eyes to look at her. "Honestly? I hate being home again. I never get to see you guys." I said, sighing and dropping on the couch. She nodded. "Have you missed anyone else since you left?" She asked me.

I knew what she meant. She wanted to know if I missed him. He cheated on me and she thinks I'd miss him? "If you mean Cole then, no, I haven't missed him." I said, pulling myself off the couch and wandering around the living room.

"Are you sure? Like, not even a teeny tiny bit?" she asked. I sighed, looking at her from my place by the front door. "I mean," I started. I guess I did miss him a little. How sweet he was and our cuddling, the way he'd run up behind me and twirl me around while his arms held me securely at my waist. Those were the things that I missed. But I didn't miss him, not after what he did to me.

"A little." I lied. Summer however didn't pick up on the lie. "Good." she said, pulling out her phone. Wait, what? "What do you mean good?" I asked her. She didn't answer, but she put away her phone glancing toward me. As soon as she looked at me the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door, still confused and opened it to greet the person on the other side.

Except, it was not someone I wanted to greet. It wasn't even someone I wanted to see.

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