The Departure (EDITED for a SECOND time!)

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Jessica's POV

My uncle. The one person I despise with all my heart. Sly. The one person who I love. I threw a couple of shirts in my backpack and sighed. My uncle had visited me in my dreams saying he had captured Sly. He proclaiming he would kill him if I didnt leave my home. I had no choice but to go. I slipped the memory crystals and the scattering of random photographs intoy big brown backback. As I packed the last bag Caster came into my room. I quickly threw the bag on the other side of the bed and smiled a not-so-innocent smile at him.

"Uhh... Hi Jess... I... What are you doing?" Caster asked looking at me curiously.

"Um... Nothing." I replied keeping a straight face. I smiled at him and sat on my bed.

"Ok, well if you need me I will be in the Caster Apartments."

I peaked through the entrance of Asgard and faintly saw Caster running toward his house. Carefully I hurried to the giant marble building, known as the hall, and stood in front of my pillar. I knocked down the emblem of Lady Thor and ran back to Asgard. Entering my vault I gently placed my hamster... oops I ment hammer on the pedestal. I also draped my Asgardian armor on the armor stand next to the pedestal. As I took one final look at my home I ran off into the Wood of Arioag.

After running for awhile I decided to set up camp. I went to sleep that night with my uncle not in sight.

When I woke up the next morning I saw my bag, noticing everything was there, but sighed in frustration as all I had in my inventory was a doggy charm set! Oh well I'm hungry and I have nowhere to stay. Great. I wandered around the forest till I saw a man I started to ask if there is a village need by and he started to runaway. I chased him and he had led me to a village! I turned around to thank him but he was being chased out if the village by two guards.


So hope you liked the first chapter of my new book. I have so many ideas for it and I am so happy to share it with you. This is my second book and I already like it. Go check out my friend ZarWrites because she is awesome and we have a story that we have together called the demons daughter.

Pengy out 8D

Future Pengy/Milliana

Hey guys it's been awhile... I don't know if anyone has guessed this but I have be absent for quite some time. First off I want to say that thanks for the support. I had no clue that this silly book i wanted to write has gotten so popular. So I thank you so much. Also I want to let you guys know that I've been writing an original book based on a recurring dream I had. I'm not writing it on wattpad but I really want to publish it when I'm older and it is finished. But just know I love ya all! And have a great day.

Milliana out!

P.S: 555 words!

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