Lady Thor's Back Baby

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Jessica's POV

We all flew to the hall, me carring Aria and Castor carring Luna. I was so excited we were there in only an hour! (Flying, it usually takes 2 1/2 hours.) We decided to sneak up on the others so we devised a plan.

Castor would go into the Hall and call a meeting. When they all come Castor will say something. Then, I will sneak up behind Sly and scare him. He will scream like a little school girl and turn around. They will all see me and say 'JESS' and we will all hug. Finally, Aria and Luna will come in and Sly will get mad then I'll say something and he will like Aria and Luna again and get really mad at Loki and then we will have a reunion party.

"When I say go get into position." Castor demanded. "3     2      1        GO"

We all got into position and Castor called the Few to the Hall. I watched the Few file in and I stared at my love. Castor started to talk about random stuff so it was my cue to go in. I snuck inside and hid behind a pillar. Then I snuck up behind Sly and scared him, and he screamed like a little girl. He turned around and pulled out his kryptonite sword, then he started at me shocked.

"JESS!!!!!" He yelled.

"JESS!!!!!!" The others replied. They all hugged me and Sly was crying.

"Aww, Sly don't cry!" I laughed. "I thought you never cry."

"I don't" he said as he turned away.

"He totally is a crybaby." Kala whispered in my ear. I laughed sciently and hugged my best friend even more. "I missed you so much besty."

It was the next part of the plan. Aria and Luna started to walk toward us. They walked up to me and hugged me. I saw Sly's face boil and he was furious.

"Sly calm down, let them explain." I ordered him.

"Fine, go ahead." he replied.

"Ok so you know how he had us do his work." Aria said. "Well he threatened the things we love. One of the things was you guys, that's how he got us to do his first mission."

"Then he captured Jess's father, Alex's, and Aria and Sly's, if we didn't kill Jess." Luna added. "So we had to do it, even though we wanted to betray him from the start."

"Well we believe you." Pbat said. "Right guys."

"Right" everyone else said.

"Good because I was supposed to not see you guys ever again, also I love you SLY!" I yelled.

"Well then we should have a party tomorrow." Steven replied.

"Yeah, but first bed, it is very late." Jose said

"Yeah good night, Aria and Luna can sleep in Asgard." I replied.

"Thanks Jess." They replied at the same time.

We all went our separate ways and I flew to Asgard, the girls on my back. When we got there I led them to the guest room and I went to my own. I saw Kala come into my room into the bed next to mine, and remembered she lived here to. Then I fell asleep, knowing that Kala was there.

Dream Start

Next ChApTer


Hey guys sorry for the cliffhanger, and sorry for not updating for so long but I am back in the gig. So have a great day.

Pengy out

P.S 549 WOrdS!

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