Last Period.

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"Oh my goodness I'm sooo sorry." I say hurrying out to see who I hit, Jake, I hit Jake. What is it with me always hitting him! I yell at myself.

"It's fine." he mumbles as he is rubbing the back of his head and then turns to see who hit him. He immediately chuckles as he sees me.

"What is it with you hitting me all the time?" he asks with a huge smile that lights up the hallway.

"I honestly don't know." I say and slightly turn around feeling embarrassed. Great I'm blushing again.

"Are you ok?" I ask him unsurely.

"Yeah, I mean I have had worst hits at games." he answers

"Come on lets go before we are late." and with that we walked together to history.

We walk in and sit next to each other...



The bell rings and everyone is packing up. I put my pencil away, and then I grab my binder. I look up and see Jake waiting for me beside my desk smiling.

"Today wasn't that bad," I say as we start walking out of the classroom to go to our lockers.

"Yeah it's because you met me." he says

"Hahaha you wish!" I punch him playfully.

We walk past lockers and he goes to a locker which I assume is his and he opens it putting is stuff in a black backpack. He shuts his locker and then we head to my locker.

I turn my combination while he leans on the lockers next to mine. I grab my back pack and put my things in.

Buzz. My phone vibrates, and it reads, "Honey I can't pick you up today I have to stay late at the office find a way to go home love you."

"Great." I sigh in frustration.

"What up Riles?" Jake asks

"Well my mom just texted me and said she has to stay at work late and now I have to find a way back to my house." I tell him.

"Well if you want you could ride with me and the guys after the game."

"Sure!" I say and text my mom that its fine that I'm staying to watch the football game at school.

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