Before The Party...

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I wake up around 10 in the morning to the smell of bacon. Mmm... wait bacon. I sit up wide awake now. DADS HOME!!! I rush down the stairs and into the kitchen, and run up to my old man cooking breakfast.

"Aye Twinkie." he says and smiles down at me.

"How was your flight back here Daddy?"

"Ok we had some hard weather coming from Chicago, but it cleared up as soon as we headed back down south."

"Smells good," I say reaching for a piece of bacon set off to the side that were already cooked, "Do you know when Joey well get the chance to visit us?" I ask hoping that my brother in college can come down here for a visit.

"He said he wasn't sure yet but when ever he got the chance he would swing on by down here."

If you haven't caught on to where my dad works let me tell you; he works at the airport, he is a pilot. I have an older brother in college back up in Austin; he used to come and visit a lot when we lived over there, but with the move it might be a little bit more difficult.

I grabbed the plate of bacon and placed it in the dinning room table. I went back to the kitchen to place some bread in the toaster.

"So what do you have planned for today Twinkie?" my dad asks.

"Well I was going to go to the mall to buy some clothes for a party some friends at school invited me to."

"Friends? Already? Wow well look at Little Miss Popular here." he says and laughs.

I've never had a problem with going to parties with my parents; they know they can trust me and that I won't do anything stupid. They also have experience with my brother, Joey, since he used to go to a lot of parties when he was in high school. I finished breakfast and helped clear the table then I rushed up stairs to see what I was going to wear to the mall. Maybe I could get a new outfit to wear the party tonight.


I looked at the racks. Nothing. I couldn't find anything in three different stores and it was almost 4:30.

"Ugh." I say and head to the food court.

I go and order a salad, I am not really having any appetite especially since I have to hurry and find something. When I get up to throw away my trash I see a familiar face with blonde hair...

"Annabelle?" I say to her back.

She turns around, "Riley? Riley!"

"Yup its me."

"So what brings you to this lovely mall?" she asks grasping my arm and linking it with her own.

"Oh nothing just you know trying to find something to wear for tonight's party."

"You're going sweet! Hey I could help you look for something and you can help me I still don't have any clue what I am going to wear." she says

"Umm... sure but I don't think you're going to like any of the clothes I shop for."

"Non-sense you have a really original way of coming up with cute outfits."

"You too." I say looking at her outfit.

She is wearing white shorts with a brown braided belt, a sky blue blouse, and brown sandals with her toes painted sky blue to match her blouse.

"Your outfit is actually pretty cute its just not me." I tell her

"Well then I already have an idea of what I am going to buy so how 'bout we look for something for you." she says and takes my hand leading me into Forever 21.

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