Party II

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I ran past people looking confused, people laughing, and people dancing. I know not to look back because people who look back are easily caught and I am not letting Jake catch me and throw me into the lake. Nope no way.

I'm tempted to look back but I know not to. I hear half the guys cheering me on and the other half cheering Jake.

"Run Riley, runn!" I hear Annabelle shouting and clapping.

And I do as she says. I run and make a turn around the house. I run back towards the lake and just when im about to stop Jake pops out of no where and try's to grab me, but I dodge his reach. He try's to grab me again i dodge but he side grabs me, and before i know it im lifted off the ground on to Jakes shoulders fireman style.

"Let go of me!" I yell and start banging my fists on his back.

"Hahaha never." He laughs.

He carries me towards the lake.

"Oh no, no no no Jake please." i say and start pushing off from Jake but its no use he's holding me to tight and i cant move.

I see the guys. Oh no... we are closer to the lake. They are waving. Oh no here i go. Jake starts to lift me off from him, and i try to grab on to his neck but im too late to grasp it. Now he is carrying me baby style.

"One... two..." the guys start counting down.

"THREE!" Jake yells and I have just enough time to take a quick breath, and before i know it i am splashing into the lake. I'm going to kill him... Is all i can think about when I sink down to the bottom.

I'm going to stay down here for a while to make them think that i have drowned so that they can get some sense into their little drunken teenage heads. Its a good thing i used to be in swimming and diving, guess it payed off to learn how to hold ur breath for two minutes.

I hear mumbling something that sounds like," Where is she? She hasn't surfaced has she? Does she know how to swim?" I let them worry, and i see jakes swimming trunks and legs trough the water making their way over to where i splashed. i move away so that he will panic.

I hear more mumbling," Dude where is she?" several guys start making their way in to the lake. I decide to stay were i am and let them find me, let them think i drowned.

"I felt something i think its her!" I hear a voice who belongs to Jake assuming from his swim trunks and feet that were inches away from my arm. I close my eyes as his arm reached my waist to pull me up. i try to make my breathing barely visible.

They lay me down on the grass.

"Make way! clear the way! I SAID MOVE!" Jakes voice starts saying.

"I have to do CPR." He informs everyone and i can feel him kneel down next to me. He checks for my pulse and for this i hold my breath. he then places his hand in my forehand tilting it back and then pinching my nose, i feel his breath against mine and before he can put his mouth in mine I open my eyes and slap him in the face.

"Dont ever do that again!" i say to him.

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