Hey guys! This is my first tutorial book and I hope this one last longer than my other Random books lol. Everything I do is on my phone and most of these covers will not involve wwe superstars...some might though❤ Hope this helps!
My apps
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(Superimpose, Polarr, Phonto, and PicsArt)
Fonts I use from "Dafont"
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All of these fonts are not required but sometime when you make a cover you want to change up the font so that's why I'm letting you see what fonts I have and you can use, but trust me I only use like 5 of these fonts😂💯
Other Tools
Another app I use to tumblr to get great photos to edit. (Make sure to give Fred if you use a Tumblr photo).
And that's all! Now if you don't know how to use the apps to edit I would highly suggest to watch YouTube tutorials. That's what I used and I learned MAAAANY techniques. Now I didn't search for a tutorial for how exactly to use the editing apps, superimpose & polarr, but instead I searched for "Making Wattpad covers with phone" and I learned from there!
Now how to download fonts from the website "Dafont" is simple! This is also something you can search on YouTube and I say that because it will be more helpful than me telling you here, threw text. If you badly want a tutorial from me I'll give but only if you ask❤
SideNote: The superimpose app isn't free but everything else is. Because I have it downloaded I can't see the price but it was no more than $2 I believe it was just $1.29 idk if you can see please do comment below the price because I can't see it lol thank you💙