Chapter 4: Challenge

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As promised, I arrive exactly at 8:00 am, not a minute more, not a minute less. Harry passes by my new office with a winning grin, but his face falls the moment he realizes I'm actually there.

"Good morning, Miss Evans," he says in a manner that implies a good morning is the last thing he would like me to have.

"And to you, Mr. Styles," my voice is so sickly sweet even I want to gag.

My morning is passed with busy work- it turns out Harry is very unorganized. I spend the first part of my day filing away the company's recent investments, since Harry has not taken the time do it himself. He simply left them lying strewn across his desk. I can hear him the entire time, next door, yelling for ages at some poor man that had the unfortunate task of meeting with him.

As I reach for what seems like the hundredth file, my mind drifts back to yesterday right before me and Edward left the building. I had waited in the hall while Edward went to go say goodbye to Harry, aka, find out what he really thought of me. I really did try not to eavesdrop, but Harry's voice is so damn loud it travelled right through the thick, mahogany door to his office.

"What if she ends up like Valerie?" he said.

"She won't, I promise," Edward had reassured him. "She's different."

I shove the file into its correct place and lean against my desk. Valerie, I assumed, by my many hours of pondering, must have been his old secretary. But the real mystery lay with what had happened between her and Harry. Obviously, she isn't a secretary for Styles Enterprises anymore. I've taken her place.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who had gotten involved with a co-worker...the idea makes a lot of sense. Not to judge a book by its cover, but adding "womanizer" to the list of Harry's charming attributes is not a very far stretch.

I'm so lost in my thoughts I almost fall over in surprise when the door to my office flies open and hits the wall with a loud bang. I look up and see Harry, standing there staring at me with a scowl on his face.

"It's noon, which means it's now your lunch hour," he informs me.

I nod. "Would you like me to get you anything, sir?"

"I- what?" He stares at me in shock.

"I was just wondering, sir, if you would like me to pick you up anything for lunch," I say slowly, trying my best not to burst out laughing at his stunned expression. Obviously he was not expecting me to pull the nice card when he had been horrid to me all morning.

"That's, um, very kind of you," he says, scratching the back of his head. "I guess I'll take a turkey club from that sandwich shop down the street. I mean, if you're offering."

"I am offering," I tell him, grabbing my purse. "I'll be back in 20."

I stick to my word, and 20 minutes later I knock on Harry's door, turkey club in hand.

"Come in," he yells.

I walk in, and try to contain the gasp as I take in his luxurious office. The carpet is so soft and padded I feel as if I'm walking on a cloud. Off to the right, I can see what appears to be a personal gym, and next to it, his own locker room. Sitting on the left wall is an enormous flat screen TV, and under it, a microwave and a mini-fridge. The office is so beautiful I want to cry.

"Here's your sandwich," I say, handing him the bag. He places it on his desk, and for a minute our eyes meet. I never noticed how vividly green his irises were before, but I do notice that he stares at me a second too long.

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