Chapter 2 - The Genius and the Not-so Genius

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Here's chapter 2 of 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' and it's all about the B Team. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read, vote on, and/or comment on this story so far. I really, really appreciate it.  *hugs* 

Okay, onto the chapter . . .


Chapter 2 - The Genius and the Not-so Genius

"You what?" Came Donnie's shrill voice and the question echoed throughout the entire lab so that it sounded like he had actually said the words about ten times. While the sound of his voice resonated in the air, he pushed himself up and out of his chair so that he could better demonstrate his frustration. His now-standing position gave him more free rein to toss his arms wildly about if he so desired.

"I lost Spike, okay?" Mikey mumbled, twisting a toe into the concrete floor, and then, apprehensively sinking his top teeth into his bottom lip.

"You took Spike out of Raph's room? Are you out of your shell?" Donnie screeched and his voice somehow climbed even higher than when he had said 'you what?' just a few seconds before.

"Shhh! Raph'll hear you, bro!" Mikey said, holding his hands up and dismissively tut-tutting his older brother whose eyes now looked like they were about to pop right out of his skull.

"Do you have any idea what Raph will do to us when he finds out Spike is missing? He'll break both of our shells!" Donnie cried out, still several decibel levels above what Mikey felt comfortable with. Especially since he knew that Raph was currently sitting on the beanbag chair in the pit of the lair, not too far from his techno brother's lab.

"Dude, you need to chillax. Why would Raph break your shell? I'm the one who lost Spike," Mikey said matter-of-factly, not sure what the heck his brainy brother was freaking out about. Sometimes, he swore that Donnie's mask was tied on too tight, because the genius tended to get all spun up over even the littlest of things.

Of course, losing Raph's beloved pet turtle wasn't exactly the littlest of things . . . It was kind of a great big thing now that Mikey was really thinking about.

"Are you familiar with the ad hominem 'guilt by association?'" Donnie asked, slightly calmer, but the pitch of his voice was still a couple of steps higher than normal. It meant that he was still wigging out on the inside.

In response to Donnie's question, Mikey offered nothing but a blank expression, visually confirming that he was not at all familiar with the phrase.

"It means that Raph is gonna kill me, too, just for associating with you. It's a kill the messenger kind of thing," Donnie groaned, massaging his temples with his fingertips in a vain attempt to settle himself down. It was crucial that he regain his ability to think straight. Both of their shells were on the line here and he certainly couldn't count on his little brother to come up with any kind of feasible plan.

"You're totally overreacting, D. Raph wouldn't clobber someone for no . . . good . . . reason . . . " Even as the words were parting his lips, Mikey realized how ridiculous they sounded.

"This is Raph we're talking about, Mikey," Donnie stated the obvious.

"You're right . . . What are we gonna do?" Mikey asked and his eyes got all big and shimmery. He then held his balled up hands underneath his jaw, as if almost begging for an answer.

Narrowing his reddish-brown eyes and scrunching up his face, Donatello tapped a finger against his chin, caught up in deep concentration. His brain was busy analyzing and sorting through the endless list of possibilities now flying through his head.

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