Chapter 4 - Spit Happens

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Here's chapter 4 of 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever.'

As always, thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted for, and/or commented on this story. Please continue to leave feedback if you are enjoying 'MWME.' I would LOVE to know. Thanks, again. ;) CJ


Chapter 4 - Spit Happens

With his shoulders dropped down and his eyes constricted into nothing more than infuriated slivers that were homed in on his two little brothers, Raph looked as though he was readying to strike as he stalked across the distance that separated the three of them. That distance was getting much too small for Donnie and Mikey's liking.

Raph's aggressive advances caused Mikey to instinctively hide behind his immediate older brother, but, much to the youngest turtle's dismay, Donnie didn't quite provide the protection that he had been hoping for. The genius turtle was way too skinny to make a decent shield.

Maybe I should let Donnie have the last piece of pizza every once in a while . . . Mikey thought guiltily as he cowered behind his brainy brother's slender figure. The youngest turtle wondered if this was how Donnie felt when he was standing behind his bo-staff during a battle.

Focusing his attention back on Raph, Mikey watched with trepidation as the hothead's rapid approach came to a sudden stop just a few inches shy of the bench-like couch that encircled the pit of the lair. The red-masked turtle's chest was heaving in and out and something told Mikey that it wasn't because Raph was overexerted from the short trek across the pit that he had just made.

Raph looked like he was going to blow a fuse . . . maybe several of them.

As their older brother stood there, huffing and puffing with anger, Donnie and Mikey both took a few clumsy steps backwards, opening up the space between themselves and the ledge surrounding the sunken area that Raph was presently standing in. The two younger brothers just wanted to make sure that they were out of Raph's range of attack, for obvious safety reasons.

Then, as though some sort of a switch had been flipped off or on inside of him, Raph's anger suddenly melted away. Just like that, his trademark scowl softened into a much more apathetic expression and his rigid muscles released the tension that they had been building up. He almost looked . . . relaxed? This immediately made the genius turtle stiffen with dread.

"So, let me get this straight . . . You're saying that you want me to make you a sandwich?" Raph asked, first pointing at himself, and then, at his brothers. His voice was eerily calm as he posed the question, but there was still a storm raging inside of him that could not be seen.

Not yet, anyway . . .

"That would be super nice of you, bro," Mikey said as he came out from his hiding place behind Donnie's carapace. The youngest and most naïve of the brothers had foolishly thought that Raph was actually considering making them lunch.

Donnie, however, wasn't as easily duped as his baby brother. The brainiac knew better than to trust Raph's abrupt change of mood. He realized that the situation was about to get ugly, real fast. He remained in a defensive stance, preparing for the worst.

"Oh, I got your sandwiches for ya! Right here," Raph growled, shaking his tight fists at both of his younger brothers. "There's one for each of you! So . . . do you two want a knuckle sandwich . . . or maybe you want me to make you mincemeat?"

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