Chapter 7 - The End

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: Thank you so very much to everyone who nominated and voted for my stories in the 2016 TMNT Universal Fanfiction Competition. I'm super excited to announce that 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' was the winner of Funniest Comedy.  'Lost in the Fight,' 'You're Needed Here Now, Donnie,' and 'Freak Show' also took home wins. Wow! I'm so grateful to everyone who made this possible. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! 😊 

*Author's Notes: Here it is! It's the seventh and final chapter of 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever.' What's going to happen with Raph? More importantly, will Mikey and Donnie survive? And will they ever find Spike? You're about to find out. ;)

To everyone who has read, voted, and/or commented on this story, thank you so very much. I appreciate it more than words can express. I truly hope that you like how the story turns out. If you do like it, please let me know. I would love the feedback. Again, thanks for reading. ;) CJ

And now, on with the final chapter . . .


Chapter 7 - The End

"Mikey!" Raph screamed and there was absolutely no question that the temperamental turtle was beside himself with insane fury.

"This is it, bro. It's been nice knowing you," Mikey whimpered and his big, blue eyes were wavering with thick layers of unshed tears as he peered up at his genius brother.

"Mikey! Get in here, now!" Raph thundered off and Mikey was pretty sure that his hotheaded brother's deep bellow had rattled the entire city above them like an earthquake.

After the second time that Raph had called out for him, Mikey hung his head down so low that his chin was touching his plastron. He realized that he had no choice but to accept his fate at this point. Sure, he could have tried fleeing from the lair and taken his chances topside. He could have opted to run away and say goodbye to the life that he knew. He could have chosen to leave his family behind and face the rest of his days, brokenhearted and alone, but ultimately, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Even in the face of his own possible demise, he couldn't leave his beloved family or home behind. Not when he knew that there wasn't enough time for him to unhook the TV and VCR before Raph came looking for him.

"Donnie . . . " Mikey could not hide the tremor in his voice as he spoke his brother's name. His face was sagging down into the most miserable of frowns.

"Yeah, Mikey?"

"I just want you to know that you've always been my favorite brother," Mikey said, slowly lifting his head so that he could look up at Donnie. As he pitifully stared up at his big brother, Mikey batted his eyelids over his huge, dewy eyes. Those dark, pleading orbs made him look hopelessly adorable, but the genius turtle wasn't about to fall for that old trick again.

"Gee, thanks, Mikey . . . but that's kind of hard to believe since you just used that exact same line on Leo last night when you were trying to get him to let you have the last slice of pizza," Donnie pointed out in a highly sarcastic manner, not all that moved by Mikey's attempt to be sweet.

Then, Mikey's name sounded a third time and it was most certainly not a charm like the old saying went . . .

"Come on, Mikey," Donnie muttered, starting towards Raph's room.

"W – wait! Donnie, you . . . you don't have to come with," Mikey said as he reached out and grabbed Donnie by the forearm to gently stop his big brother from moving any further. "This is all my fault and I have to take responsibility for what I've done. There's no need for us both of us getting mutilated over this."

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