Chapter 5 - Pepperoni and Briefs

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Chapter 5 of 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' is here and it's finally time for Mikey to fulfill Raph's order. No problem, right? XD

A huge thanks to all of my followers and to everyone who has read, voted and/or commented on 'MWME.' It truly means a lot to me. I'm really hoping that you are finding this story humorous. If you are, please let me know. ;) CJ


Chapter 5 - Pepperoni and Briefs

Somewhere along the line, Mikey had sort of become the unspoken 'chef' of the Hamato family. He assumed it had something to do with his many new and inventive ways to prepare their former nutritional staples, worms and algae. He had been the creator of such delectable dishes as worms and algae cake, worms and algae mignon, worms and algae hotdish supremo, and, his personal favorite, worms and algae à la mode. Of course, if his brothers ever found out what he had substituted for the ice cream in order to make his 'à la mode' in that last concoction, they would have never eaten anything he made ever again.

Oh, the things you can find in the sewers . . .

Even at a young age, Mikey had shown a strong passion for food, always demonstrating far more initiative and enthusiasm in the kitchen than his brothers ever had. Then, when they discovered that there were culinary delights outside of wriggly invertebrate animals and slimy plantlike organisms, Mikey truly realized just how much he loved to eat and it made preparing food that much more pleasing. The bonus of being the designated cook of the clan meant that he got to sample all of the ingredients that he was cooking and/or experimenting with. There was nothing more gratifying than making two pizzas and keeping one all to himself without his family even knowing.

Unfortunately, as creative as Mikey normally was in the kitchen, right now, all of the pressure had him drawing a complete culinary blank. So far, all he had accomplished on Raph's sandwich was to scrape the mold off of the two least moldy pieces of stale bread that he had taken from a partial loaf that was well past its sell-by date.

Come on, bro. Pull yourself together. D is counting on you. You got this! Booyakasandwich! Mikey mentally encouraged himself as he walked over to the avocado-colored refrigerator and yanked the rusty bottom door open to reveal the chilled contents stored inside. He visually scanned the miscellaneous items in the fridge, searching for anything that might spark his innovative side. He then began pulling out random fixings, setting them on top of the concrete island in the center of the kitchen. Once nearly every item in the fridge had been removed, Mikey grabbed a few additional items off of the countertops, including a shaker of salt, a can of Anthony Tomato Soup, and a box of Fiber Puffs. He added these items to his collection of supplies strewn across the kitchen island. He stood there and studied his options before him, wrinkling his face up in deep concentration as he waited for inspiration to strike.

While he waited, his thoughts momentarily turned to his genius brother's plan. With each moment that passed by without any noise from Raph, Mikey started to feel slightly less stressed out about Donnie's latest masterplan. That was because the longer the silence carried on, the more likely that Donnie had succeeded in sneaking past Raph. The youngest turtle was pretty sure that more than enough time had passed by for his brainy brother to have made his way to his bedroom by now. Heck, Donnie may have already found Spike at this point. Then, all Mikey would have to do was make a sandwich and the whole ordeal would be over with.

With that thought in mind, Mikey once again focused his attention on his very important mission.

Not even realizing he was doing so, the youngest turtle started to hum some nameless tune as he went to work on his latest edible invention.

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