Chapter 6 - The Truth is Out There

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: The wonderful new cover art for this story was drawn by my incredibly talented friend, Flaux.

*Author's Notes: Here's chapter 6 of 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' and Mikey and Donnie are in some serious hot water.  

Thanks so much to all of you who have taken the time to read, vote and/or comment on this story, as well as my other stories. I appreciate it more than I can say. *hugs* ;) CJ


Chapter 6 -  The Truth is Out There

As Donnie stepped foot onto the sunken area in the heart of the lair, his eyes continued to covertly scan around the room in visual pursuit of the missing pet box turtle, but his search turned up empty once again. Feeling somehow even more stressed out than just a second ago – if that was at all possible at this point – the genius turtle shifted his eyes onto his brothers in red and orange only to discover that the two of them were hypnotized by whatever was flashing across the TV screen. In fact, they were so mesmerized by what they were watching, they had not even noticed his approach.

Typical . . .

The television set had that effect on all three of his brothers. Even his highly-principled oldest brother turned into a mindless zombie whenever his favorite show, 'Space Heroes,' was on. It didn't matter if he had seen the episode a dozen times or more. The show would still keep him glued to the screen until the credits rolled.

Donnie imperceptibly stood to the right of his brothers and glared down at Mikey, who was currently sprawled out in an unnatural position, with his legs bent over the top of the couch, his head sunken into a throw pillow, and his left arm draped down so that his knuckles were touching the floor. He had made himself far more comfortable than Donnie felt was appropriate given the circumstances. While the turtle in purple had been off frantically searching his youngest brother's cluttered and alarmingly unhygienic room for Spike, Mikey, the very turtle who had lost Spike in the first place, had been vegging out on the couch watching TV with Raph.

"Mikey . . . can I speak with you in the lab for a minute?" Donnie asked in an almost robotic manner, trying to keep any trace of annoyance out of his voice as he made his request. He didn't want to pull Raph's attention away from the show that he was so conveniently absorbed in.

Mikey kept his blue eyes locked on the television screen as he lazily asked, "Can it wait until the next commercial break, bro?"

All of the muscles in Donnie's body tensed at once as he fought with every fiber of his being not to scream at his youngest brother. This time, as Donnie spoke, he was unable to disguise the annoyance in his voice.

"No. It. Can't!" Donnie replied pointedly and the volume of his voice grew with each word. Even zoned out Mikey hadn't failed to miss the irritation in his brainy brother's tone.

Raph had detected it as well, but he was so caught up in the program that he was watching, he couldn't bring himself to care. Besides, Donnie got irritated with Mikey all the time. It wasn't like the genius getting all huffy about something Mikey had done was out of the ordinary. The dimmest witted turtle had that effect on everyone. Rubbing people the wrong way was sort of Mikey's specialty.

It's either that, or breaking things is . . . Saying stupid stuff can't be too far behind, Raph thought with a devilish smirk.

The youngest turtle groggily lifted his head up off of the pillow that he had been submerged in for who knows how long now and laid eyes on his immediate older brother who was presently standing just a few feet away from him, looking all hot and bothered about something. Since the TV had temporarily rendered Mikey braindead, it took him a couple of extra seconds to figure out why Donnie looked so ticked off, not to mention a little greener than normal.

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