A String of Bad Luck

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So I have no idea what is happening right now is this a dream or is this really happening?

I pinched myself and squeaked "Ow" I said rubbing my arm guess I'm not dreaming, on the other hand pinching yourself never really works. So that idea led me to do various things I would never have dreamed of to make sure I wasn't really dreaming.

I even threw myself from my bed to check, well the last thing I'm missing is dropping a bucket full of ice on myself, but I would never do that never.

As I started approaching my window again thinking of how many bruises I was going to have in the morning, I hadn't realized that with all my trials to "wake myself up" I had accidentally woken up Lena, who was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, and was about to ask what I was doing up at 1 in the morning, but I interrupted her.

"Don't ask, just look out the window." I told her.

She stared at me for a moment before standing up with her rabbit teddy bear and walking to the window.

I think the shock of seeing too many cats or her love for animals, either one, was to much for her and she fainted.

"Oh god, maybe I should have warned her? Nah, it wouldn't have made a difference, she would have fainted even if I told her" I told myself.

But then again I didn't realize that with me walking around the house at 1 am making noise, and then Lena fainting, making a big thump sound, would wake the boy, who came knocking to our room.

"Are you alright?" Phillip asked through the door though it sounded muffled.

"Yeah we're fine, well kind of, Lena just fainted." I shouted to them.

"What?" They both exclaimed.

"Just look out the window and you'll understand." I told them, hearing them both walking to the window and the next thing I know I heard another 2 thumping sounds.

"Seriously!" I shouted to no one in particular.

Then a loud clap of thunder was heard, drowning out my shouts and causing a blackout.

'Ugh why does life hate me so much?' I thought. I started walking towards the door when I tripped, realizing I had left Lena on the floor and that I needed to change because the boys were outside the room somewhere in the house passed out.

I decided to wear my exercise clothing, which consisted of black sweatpants, with a black blouse, and a sports bra. I grabbed a flashlight I had in my desk and went outside my room and I was met with another surprise,  as I shone the flashlight across the house I found both boys, but what I was not expecting was their pjs, they were both shirtless, which made me look away, but not before catching a glimpse of their pants, they both had superhero themed,  but Phillip had the ones from the Flash, and Jason had from Batman.

I quickly rushed back to my room to grab a blanket and came back and threw it over the boys, I went over to the fuse box, which thank my luck was in the garage and not outside in the pouring rain. I checked it, did a little tweaking, and finally got the lights on. I ran back to the house to wake the boys up, so they could help me check if the fuse box needed to be fixed.

I threw a bucket of water at them, not really caring of the consequences.

The boys immediately woke up, I turned my back to them "Could you please put a shirt on?" You asked.

They were confused at first, then they understood what I was talking about and sprang up and went running to their room.

I headed back to my room to try and wake Lena up, as I was walking I remember the mess I made "Could you boys clean up the water? I'm trying to wake Lena!" I told them.

Now nicely dressed both boys scurried around the house looking for a bucket and a mop. They brought them over to were the water was spilled and I think they don't know how to use a mop properly since they were just staring at it and twisting it around.

"Are you really that dumb you can't even use a mop?" I asked them.

They both looked at me with a sheepish face, both scratching their head, they almost looked like twins. "Um no. Are we supposed to?" Phillip asked me.

I face palmed. 'Some of the most intelligent boys in school, and they can't even handle a water spill and a mop' I thought.

"You know what? Just go and grab a towel from the guest bedroom and clean this" I ordered them.

"Yes ma'am" They saluted and strode off into the guest room marching like soldiers.

I returned to my room, where the lights were still off, and found Lena already waking up. 

"Hey! How you feeling?" I asked her.

"A little lightheaded, but I think I'll manage." She told me. I just nodded.

I then noticed something glowing in my bag; I went to check and found out that it was the Talisman of Lacea that was glowing a faint baby blue. 

I took it out and then Lena said, "Is that the Talisman of Lacea?"

"Yes, when we returned from the trip I noticed something shiny in my bag, and when I checked I found it there." I said. 

The talisman started glowing brighter and brighter until I accidentally dropped it because it was freaking me out. Only to find the appearance had changed, it was now a simple necklace with a stone in the shape of a teardrop but still glowing faintly, yet it still looked beautiful.

"Wow, that was AMAZING!! Do it again!!." Lena started screaming and begging like a little girl (remember I told you she was very cheerful and annoying, this is why).

I just ignored her and went to pick up the necklace and placed it around my neck and thought of some other ideas of what I could use it for. "So how does it look?" I asked.

"Beautiful." Lena answered, staring at it with wide and almost gleaming eyes.

Another clap of thunder was heard, we both looked out the window to see a lightning striking some parts of the forest and then one striked the house. Creating a blackout.

"Again!?" I screamed at no one in particular

"We'll fix it!" Both boys screamed.

I decided this was just too much for one night and decided to do to sleep, not remembering about the cats, who then started pawing at the window. I shut the blinds, but Lena being the animal lover she is decided to let some in and "adopt" them.

I groaned, "Whatever I'm going to sleep, I'll deal with these in the morning."

As I drifted off to sleep, I once again heard the witch's laugh, it was almost whispering to me 'Goodnight little Lisa, I'll see you around'.

Then everything went black...

"We fixed it!" Jason screamed.

Or I guess everything went bright.


Second chapter finished! Tell me what you think. Please comment, vote, and if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes let me know!


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