A Tomato with an Attitude

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Phillip punched Jason in the arm and shouted, "Don't ever do that again."

"Ow. What was that for? It's not like it's my fault." Jason said kind of annoyed, rubbing his arm where Phillip had punched him.

"Don't know. Just felt like it." Phillip said seething with anger and glaring at Jason and me.

We took Jason to the hospital and it ties out he did, in fact, break his ankle after falling so many times. He had to stay at the hospital for the night, so they could keep an eye on him since he fainted and all that.

The next day we went for him, they had put a cast in his ankle/leg so he wouldn't move it. Turns out Lena was made aware of this before or she just guessed, but she came prepared. She took a bunch of sharpies out of her bag and immediately went to sign Jason's cast drawing all kinds of things.

Meanwhile, Jason just stared and laughed at Lena's childlike antics.

We arrived home only for Lelin to be waiting outside.

"Helloooo! Everyone hi! How are you doing Jason? Do you feel fine? Do you need anything? If not, can I touch it? Does it hurt if I touch it?" *poke poke* "What happens if you stick a ruler in it?" Lelin greeted and asked to many questions we couldn't keep up.

"Could you please stop touching it? It does still hurt." Jason said with a nervous smile.

"Oops sorry, but no I like it!" Lelin said cheerfully still poking the cast.

"I'm leaving." Jason said and started mulleting (don't know if that's an actual word) toward the house, but on his way there he tripped.

"Jason!" We all screamed with mortified faces. 'Why is he always tripping?' I wondered silently to myself even as Jason was falling. Something must be wrong with me if I'm thinking of this while he's falling.

Lelin rushed towards Jason to catch him, but he ended up falling anyway going through her.

"Hmm. Interesting. I didn't know this could happen." Lelin said muttering to herself and inspecting her hand and touching herself, not caring the least bit about Jason who laid sprawled on the floor with a broken ankle.

Lena rushed to help Jason her motherly instincts kicking in, "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Never mind that, let's get you inside." Lena said helping Jason stand and unlocking the door to the house. Phillip followed them inside.

"Lelin! What was that?" I shouted at said person.

"I don't know. This has never happened before."

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"Who knows maybe I should explain to all of you inside. That might clear things up." She said and started walking to the house with me trailing behind.

Once inside we headed to the living room where everyone else was sitting.

"Lelin can I talk to you? Alone?" Phillip said and looked at us with a murderous glare as if daring us to follow or eavesdrop and we would be dead.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" Lelin said and stood up following Phillip to another room.

"Well that was unexpected. Anyways I'm tired, so I'll be heading to my room. If you need me you know where to find me." Jason said as a matter of fact and went to his room with Lena helping him just in case.

"Lelin could you explain to me what just happened. You seemed as if you were going to catch Jason, but he just went right through you. Like if you just phased through a wall or something. As if you were a ghost. Wait are you a ghost? Am I dating a ghost?" Phillip said starting to worry he was going insane. He also started becoming angry with himself thinking of how stupid he could be.

"Phillip there's something I need to tell you, but you must promise not to tell anyone. And in another related topic you almost scared me there I thought you were going to break up with me or something. I know we just met but still." Lelin said sheepishly a bit embarrassed.

"No, not at all Lelin. I really do like you. You're like the greatest girl a guy could ever met and I feel so lucky to have met you. There's no one else like you out there. I know everything sounds cheesy but still it's true and I wanted you to know it." Phillip said walking toward Lelin grabbing her shoulders and then hugged her.

Lelin couldn't be more happy about this and returned the embrace. "I really like you too Phillip."

They stayed in the hug for a little longer until Lelin remembered what she was about to tell Phillip and pulled away both were a blushing mess.

"Okay this might sound strange, but it's all true and if you don't believe you can ask Lisa she will vouch for me. First things first, I am kind of like a spirit that resides in a Talisman but I can come and go as I please but in one of my most recent experiments it looks like I can't stay outside of the Talisman for too long." Lelin explained and then kept on explaining what she had already told Lisa.

"Okay wow that is a lot to take in but I think maybe we should tell the others." Phillip responded while Lelin just nodded.

After waiting for some time I was begging to doze off until guess who returned? Our favorite couple! Yes I know Phillip said not to eavesdrop, but I couldn't resist it and I filmed it on video and I don't think they noticed. While they were hugging I slipped away and returned to the living room.

Lena came downstairs when they returned.

"Guys I think Lisa and I have to tell you something but everyone should be present." Lelin announced.

"What about? About the Talisman of Lacea? Yeah I already knew that. Wait don't tell me you hadn't told Phillip! And after all this time." Lena said. I had told her about it or so I think, but didn't it just seemed strange right now? As if she was trying to create tension. Maybe she knows something we don't? Or does she like Phillip or maybe is trying to get them to become closer?

"Oh never mind I guess everyone has their reasons. It's not like you could just tell your boyfriend about this things." Lena said trying not to sound mean and apparent trying to fix her mistake.

Lelin just ignored while Phillip looked like he had a disappointed face on, like he was trying to control his anger and stop himself from punching someone. Even so he did break some things while trying to cool his temper off. "Lelin I want to make this official." Phillip said out of nowhere and went to the kitchen and then returned taking a bouquet of fkowers from behind him, "Would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Lelin stood with a confused and shocked face like she didn't know what it meant so she just nodded and said yes taking the flowers from Phillip.

Phillip just fist bumped the air and went running upstairs to tell Jason about it. Lena was just smiling and congratulated Lelin about it seemingly returning to her normal self.

Hey guys that's it for this chapter and hope you liked it. Sorry for the late update, but I finally finished school which means more time to write and update!!!

Comment what do you think will happen next chapter? And why was Lena acting that way?

Until next time,

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