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The next day I woke up, rolled in my bed, and fell from the bed. When I looked up I saw an unfamiliar face, I didn't think anything strange about it at first since I was seeing everything blurry then it hit me I didn't know this person.

My first instinct was to get up, only to fall again. "Ow!" I yelped. When I looked up again she was still staring at me; I tried getting up again, this time succeeding in standing up only to be pushed down by the strange person in the room.

That is when I finally snapped, "Ahh! What do you want?" I screamed and asked her.

"Jajaja! (Tried to do an evil laugh only to be stopped by coughing) Hm, I am the great and honorable and highest member of the court of witches and things. Though I'm still not sure if it's active, but anyways moving on my name is Leliskwi." She announced herself.

"And I'm here to make your life terrible. Just a heads up!" She then proceeded to to head over to the window , open it, look outside and then screamed "Cats!" before jumping out the window.

I ran to the window to see nothing, both the cats and her had disappeared.

As I turned around, I found her again with a thinking pose, it was almost as if she was modeling. "I must say silly me; I mispronounced my name the first time I told you. My name is Lelinskwi, and I love cats!" She said. Shen then waved her hand and disappeared in a cloud of smoke like witches usually do.

"Alright, I'm going to pretend like that didn't just happen and forget about it." I said.

I changed into a casual outfit. Walking to the kitchen I made myself some breakfast and turned on the TV to see the news. Lena then came to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

"Breaking News! The Talisman of Lacea has been reported missing. It is still unknown if it was stolen. We will bring more information about it when we come back." The TV announced.

I just stared at it; Lena then walked over and saw what was in the news. "We're screwed." She said.

"Not necessarily. Remember how it changed form? Well no one will suspect a thing and that means we can keep, besides it's not like we stole it or anything. It just appeared in my bag out of nowhere. We can give it back later." I told Lena. "Or not." I whispered the last part so Lena wouldn't hear me.

Phillip and Jason then came downstairs looking like dogs since they started sniffing the air looking for the breakfast.

"Does anyone feel like going for a walk in the park?" I asked them.

"Yes! But first let us get our things ready, and I'll prepare a basket for a picnic." Lena said, while Jason and Phillip went running to their room to get their things ready.

After everyone was done getting their things, we headed to the park. We were strolling under a little patch of pine trees when si heard a meow. I turned to my left only to see the crazy lady from this morning standing there.

"Oh nice kitty, I like you." She said then grabbed the cat by the tail and stuffed it in a bag. She then walked away looking for other cats.

"That is one weird lady, but I must say I like her style." Phillip said.

I turned around and stared at Phillip; he would never ever say that, he hates people, or well at least that's what I thought but apparently not anymore, he likes Lelinskwi.

Now I would have never expected that, but she is pretty. She has long black hair, her eyes are blue but instead of a normal pupil she has cat like eye pupils, her skin is very pale, her hair was in a high ponytail, she was wearing a leather jacket, with black skinny jeans, and a shirt that literally read: 'Crazy Cat Lady'.

I avoided Phillip for the rest of the walk until it was time for the picnic! We sat under the shade of a tree with a blanket underneath us and handed everyone plates. Lena started taking everything out of the basket and when she was done we dug in. During our picnic, someone came and sat down with us. We stopped eating and looked at said person. It was none other than Lelinskwi.

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked her.

"Oh you know I came for a walk in the park looking for cats then remembered I hadn't brought any food with me then saw you eating and thought I might as well eat with you." She said smiling brightly and already looking hungrily at our food.

Lena being Lena, and Phillip having a crush on her both agreed to let her eat with us, while Jason and I disagreed. But no they wouldn't have it, so they let Lelinskwi eat with us.

"So... What's your name?" Phillip asked.

"Oh my name is... Lelinskwi, but you can call me Lelin cutie, anytime you want." She said and smirked at Phillip, winking her eye.

"Well it was nice meeting you Lelin, but we have to go!" I said, standing up, grabbing my things, pulling Phillip, and high tailing it out of there.

"Hey! Who said you could call me Lelin!" She screamed and pouted.

After that "incident", we returned to the house, and I headed to my room.

When I arrived I saw Lelinskwi there. "This is starting to get annoying! What do you want?" I told her.

She just stared at me (she often does that, just stare at people). "Well I did tell you I was going to make your life terrible but not everyday, just on special occasions or when I'm feeling like it, which would be almost everyday. Anyways, I'm here to explain to you about the Talisman of Lacea. I will be you guide or instructor or whatever you want to call it since I am the spirit or resident that lives inside it, so as long as you have it you'll be stuck with me. And no before you ask you cannot get rid of me or the Talisman until your task has been fully completed. So shall we begin?"

Hey readers! That's it for chapter three! Hope you like it and like always comment, vote, and tell me what you think.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to luisita12345 , ilovecatssooooomuch , and bibison_16 for all their support and comments.

So I might not publish anything in the next few days since I will be busy and I won't have any internet connection, but I will still try to write the next chapters and publish them when I can.


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