Rotten Luck

18 2 13

Phillip invited Lelin to go for a hike in the woods, and Lelin invited all of us and to tag along and how could we refuse after all I think we all wanted to see how this would turn out, but Lena refused the offer claiming she was not a hiking person and decided to stay at the house.

We all agreed to make a picnic, Jason, and I decided to leave the love birds alone for a while and we'd sneak around to take pictures of them.

The day finally arrived for us to go to the woods. Since Phillip asked Lelin to go out with him, she has stayed outside of the Talisman and was staying with us for awhile, but she was thinking about getting her own place.

Lena and I helped Lelin (I think I'll start calling her L or I might just stick with Lelin, who knows) to pick her outfit. We decided to wear sports clothes kind of like leggings or yoga pants and a nice sports blouse. I decided to wear a lilac and black shirt, and Lelin decided on a blue and black shirt.

The boys decided to wear something similar, they wore pants and Jason wore a Red and black shirt, while Phillip decided on a dark green shirt.

I guess this can tell you we really like black.

We headed out into the woods while saying goodbye to Lena, who was really sweet and made our picnic basket.

In our trek Jason and I let Lelin and Phillip go ahead, so we could sneak around and take pictures of them on their first date. 

We were so caught up in not making any noise that I didn't notice Jason falling behind and eventually disappearing out of sight.

That's when I heard a rustling sound behind me, I thought it was like in the movies the typical bunny that jumps out, but as it turns out that wasn't my luck a deer jumped from the bushes, I screamed and slipped tumbling down a hill.

I rolled and rolled and rolled until I crashed into something or rather someone, making them fall on top of me. Turns out it was Jason, just my luck, my very rotten luck.

He was staring at me unmoving, and I was just blinking squirming beneath him. After all my squirming I figured I wouldn't to get him off me, so while I was squirming or rather being crushed by him I was able to get my hand out. First, I started ticking him, yet he didn't even move or flinch, so I resorted to more drastic measures.

I slapped him. 

Simple as that.

It didn't work.

I then punched him.

He toppled off me and I immediately scrambled to get up. I then pushed him with my foot but he only grunted, so I started screaming in his ear. "Jasooooon! Jasooooooooooon! Are you deaf? Or maybe dead?" I screamed and questioned.

Jason rolled over and just laid there staring at the canopy of trees and the sky. After a while, he sat up, but just as he was going to stand he winced had fell back down. 

'Oh, I think we have a problem. No kidding Lisa, I think he's just pulling a prank. But he could be hurt. But what if he isn't? But maybe he is.' At this point I realized it was useless debating with myself and just standing there looking like a dork.

Jason looked over at me and told me, "Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me?" Ok so maybe he is hurt. I scurried over to him and kneeled in front of him inspecting him and trying to figure what was wrong with him.

"I might have twisted my ankle when I fell, and it didn't help either when you crashed into me." Jason told me.

"Fine. Get up, I'll help you, but we need to get out of here before night falls. I can't believe we didn't get a chance to take pictures of Phillip and Lelin." I whined.

Jason stood up without putting too much pressure on his left foot then said "Ow." 

It started raining acorns. It appears his luck was more rotten than mine.

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