The Getaways

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I decided to ignore the leaves and focus on Jason who was the matter at hand.

"Jason? Are you alright? What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell anyone where you were going?" I approached Jason, only to see he was unconscious. Figures since he was laying on the floor. How I didn't notice sooner is beyond my comprehension.

"Lelinskwi! Come out! I need your help." I said out loud hoping Lelin would show up.

The only reaction I got was a slightly dimmer glow of the talisman. I ended up dragging Jason out of the monument just like last time, and only when we were outside did Lelin show up.

"Great. How nice of you to join the party." I said sarcastically to Lelin who just looked confused. "The point is you were late, and why didn't you help me? Why did you disappeared once we got here?" I asked, vexed.

Lelin didn't respond she just took one of Jason's arms to help me and continued walking.

Strange, this isn't like her. Something must be wrong, and strange is an oversimplification since we all know Lelin is a very complex person.


As soon as we got home, I called Lena to let her know we had found Jason.

"Right, thanks for letting us know right away. Phillip was starting to get a panic attack." Lena told me over the phone and hung up.

We took Jason to his room, and as we were putting him on the bed something slipped out of his pocket and rolled over to Lelin. 

"How intriguing. This stone looks familiar, but I just can't place where I've seen it before." Lelin said reaching out to grab it.

I noticed that while it was closer to Lelin it glowed brighter, so I dashed forward and picked it up before Lelin.

"You know I think I will hold on to this for the time being." I said keeping it away from Lelin who was trying to take it from me.


Lelin got distracted by the sudden noise, which I used as a distraction to go lock myself in my room and hide Jason's greenish stone. In a very secret place, you could never guess, and I'm not telling, you could however try to guess where it is.

I heard loud stomping noises coming from the stairs and went to go see who it was. The only thing I could see was the faint figure of Phillip running down the hallway, into his room, and slamming the door shut.


"Jason, wake up!" Phillip said slightly slapping Jason's face.

Jason only mumbled, "5 more minutes" and turned over.

"Oh no you don't. You may be injured, but right now I don't care." Phillip said pulling his sleeves up, getting ready to attack Jason, which means pushing him off the bed. But it never works, so his only option left is to pull his arm to get at least some help, so Jason can fall on his own. 

"Ouch! Phillip!" Jason screamed with anger boiling in his eyes. Phillip just stared blank-faced right back at him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You know I'm waiting." Phillip said with a yawn.

"Uh, waiting for what?" Jason said utterly confused.

Phillip's eye only twitched before he smiled at Jason and screamed with all his might. "To tell me where were you." He grabbed Jason's shirt collar while screaming and panting when he finished, looking straight at Jason, who was terrified at Phillip's outburst.

"Uh yeeeeeah, still no clue what you're talking about." Jason replied nervously. "The only thing I remember is going to sleep, having a weird dream, and then being woken up by you."

"Well, do you have a history of sleepwalking out of the house?" Phillip asked sarcastically, annoyed.

"Maybe I do." Jason replied frowning, tilting his head. He then proceeded to head over to the window, open it, and then throw himself out. "Oww." Jason hissed in pain rubbing his arm.

Phillip rushed to the window to see Jason landed sprawled out on some bushes. "Jason! What are you thinking?" He screamed.

"I just wanted to get away f on you and this was the fastest way!" He screamed right back at Phillip, "but maybe not the smartest." Jason mumbled to himself.

"What?" Phillip screamed once again, trying to cool his temper and failing considerably since he was already thinking about jumping from the window to get to Jason to give him a piece of his mind. 

"Nothing. Just stay away and leave me alone!" Jason said while trying to get up and failing miserably.

Phillip's patience finally ran out and blinded with rage took the mullets and jumped out the window.

"Aaaaahhh!!!!" While Phillip screamed in rage, Jason screamed terrified.

Phillip landed on top of Jason, knocking the air out of him. Standing up, Phillip offered his hand to Jason to help him, but then cheering was heard and both of them looked up to see Lelin jumping out the window, landing on Phillip's arm, and causing him to stumble and trip over Jason, landing once again on top of him.

Lena looked out the window to see what all the racket was about when she saw Lelin jump out the window and rushed to the other window in the boys' room screaming for Lisa to hurry and come.

Lisa rushed into the room to see Lena leaning over the window frame and bumped into her, not being able to stop in time. Lena toppled over the window falling, and Lisa, in a desperate attempt, tried to grab her, but she wasn't strong enough, and so gravity did its magic and pulled both down. Both landing on top of Phillip and Lelin, who were on top of Jason.

Groans and muttering were heard and they quickly scrambled to get up. The only one who didn't get up was Jason.


Hey everyone sorry for the super duper late update. But finally it's here! Hope you enjoy it!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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